Monday, January 31, 2022

Depopulationism For Dummies

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracy theories have been the talk of the internet. One of the most interesting phenomenons regarding the pandemic has been witnessing conspiracy theories evolve into “science,” and vice versa.

Mass confusion became so rampant that the establishment's Department of Propaganda (i.e., Big Tech) was forced to step in and become the arbitrators of truth, establishing a non-negotiable narrative that silenced all dissenters. This resulted in an Orwellian-style censorship campaign used to combat COVID “misinformation,” which consequently divided the public into two camps: conformists and non-conformists.

Those who weren't devout disciples of authoritarianism came to realize that this oppressive suppression of speech wasn't actually about “misinformation,” rather it was about control of the narrative. Anyone could post all the “misinformation” they desired as long at it acted as a representative of the state's narrative. However, even renowned experts and their empirical data have been collectively censored for simply challenging the science.

Those who boastfully tout “Science!” seem to have forgotten what makes science an acceptable doctrine of truth. Science is the acquisition of knowledge due to rigorous skepticism via the scientific method. Science and censorship are compatible only in the sense that science will act as its own censor when challenged. In layman's terms: if the truth isn't challengable, then it's probably not the truth.

The establishment's response to the pandemic proved to be a complete fiasco, which highlighted a level of systemic incompetency that no amount of damage control by the DOP could possibly repair. Censorship never fixes problems, it always creates them. The whole of Western Civilization (perhaps excluding Sweden) illustrated to the world that radical neoliberalism (a system based on emotions and feelings) is incompatible with logic and reason.

But, maybe that's what they wanted. Maybe the powers that be (PTB) have been co-opted by accelerationists who see the West as a dying empire, and they hope to speed up the process, with the intent to build back better. That could explain the blatant ineptitude of those making the decisions. Nonetheless, it's almost impossible to analyze the last two years rationally without going down some type of conspiracy-driven rabbit hole.

One of the more popular COVID conspiracy theories has been the idea of population control. Whether it be with the mRNA vaccines, the “novel” virus, or a combination of both, there are literally millions of people who believe the pandemic was a “plandemic.” In fact, according to a recent poll, 1 in 5 people think the COVID pandemic is a “depopulation tactic”:

Amid a disturbing rise in the number of conspiracy theories taking root in the US population, a new poll has found that nearly one in five people believe that the coronavirus pandemic is a “depopulation tactic”.

Conspiracy theorists cite things like, WEF's Great Reset plan to “build back better,” Bill Gate's 2017 admission that vaccines are designed so governments can depopulate the world, or that the virus itself was man-made and intentionally released from a Chinese lab with the purpose of killing millions of people, as sources to justify their theories.

Regardless of how you feel about the pandemic and/or the conspiracy theories that surround it, there is no denying that there are powerful people who believe the earth is overpopulated. That is essentially the underlying agenda of the “climate change” crowd. Obviously, they aren't going to come out explicitly as depopulationists, anymore than diversity advocates are going to openly endorse White genocide. But, where there's smoke there's fire. Anyone who believes humans are destroying the planet are going to be de facto depopulationists to some degree.

In practical terms, the concept of depopulation is an equation of implicit actions resulting in explicit changes that are factored exponentially over a period of time. Assuming the official COVID numbers are accurate, we are currently at 6 million deaths (80% of those over 65) on a planet with 7 billion people. That means 0.08% of the planet's population died from COVID over a two-year period. Yet, during that same time period, 280 million people were born. This illustrates the mathematical complexity depopulationists are faced with, and perhaps the irrationality of the “conspiracy.” However, that doesn't necessarily debunk depopulationism as an ideology, nor pragmatically from an eugenics perspective.

The fear that has driven the pandemic has been the notion that nobody knows who will get serious disease. Some people get sniffles, while others are placed on a ventilator. Just because the reasoning isn't known to the public (or even the “experts”) doesn't mean the reason isn't known. If this virus was created in a lab (most think it was), it could be designed to attack a certain genetic sequence, that appears to infect people randomly, when in fact it doesn't.

To the naysayers who might respond with, “if they wanted to implement population control measures, they could just start another world war and kill off millions of people.”: The only way that happens is with nuclear war, and all parties involved know that's suicide. Technology and the nuclear weapon has eliminated the possibility of large scale ground wars. The idea that the world could just deploy armies of men to a battlefield and have them shoot each other until 100 million die is completely irrational. If there were to ever be another world war, it would be the last war. All future conflicts will be in the realm of 4th generation warfare, which will be technological, biological and asymmetrical. This type of warfare will be more efficient, controllable, eco-friendly and profitable (the world's 10 richest men doubled their wealth during the pandemic).

From an ethical point of view it should be noted that this idea that the PTB wouldn't release a bioweapon capable of killing millions of people on the premise of “they care about us so much” is both disingenuous and naive. The people in a position to make these kind of decisions are primarily comprised of two personality types: sociopaths and justifiers. These are the same people who have sacrificed the lives of hundreds of millions of young men for “the greater good” in a multitude of meaningless wars. In fact, in the 20th century alone, there were 123 million people who died in battle. Thinning the herd of a few million “useless eaters” in order to save the planet is no different than sacrificing the lives of millions of young men for “communism” or “democracy.”

Therefore, the conspiracy theorist would posit that when conventional warfare becomes obsolete (as it has), unconventional warfare becomes conventional. After all, warfare is just a means to an end. Therefore, let's assume that humans really are putting a huge strain on the planet's resources and causing climate change that will inevitably become catastrophic. Combine that with the technological revolution that has transformed humans into “useless eaters” (consumers who don't produce). If the PTB believe this to be true, are we to assume that they wouldn't consider drastic measures? If they think the fate of the planet lies in their hands, are we to believe that these gods would sacrifice millions of lives for “freedom,” but not to save the planet?

To make an argument in a court of law, motive usually needs to be established. Motive is defined as, “the cause that moves people to induce a certain action.” If the earth is in an existential crisis, is there motive to institute population control measures?

Let's ask a few elites what they think:

Stephan Hawking: “In the last 200 years the population of our planet has grown exponentially, at a rate of 1.9% per year. If it continued at this rate, with the population doubling every 40 years, by 2600 we would all be standing literally shoulder to shoulder.”

Albert Einstein: “Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.”

Michail Gorbachev:We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

Isaac Asimov:Democracy cannot survive overpopulation.”

Prince Philip: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

Bill Maher: “Shouldn't we be against procreation at this point in time? With overpopulation and the strain on the resources on this planet? Shouldn't we reward people who don't spawn?”

Bill Gates: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

Doug Stanhope: “When you consider the overpopulation in this world ... homosexuality is completely underrated in this society.”

Ted Turner:“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Richard Branson: “The truth is this: the Earth cannot provide enough food and fresh water for 10 billion people, never mind homes, never mind roads, hospitals, and schools.”

Margaret Sanger: “All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class.”

Paul Erlich: “Basically, then, there are only two kinds of solutions to the population problem. One is a ‘birth rate solution,’ in which we find ways to lower the birth rate. The other is a ‘death rate solution,’ in which ways to raise the death rate — war, famine, pestilence — find us.”

Jacques Cousteau: “In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Pentti Linkola: “If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating if it meant millions of people would die.”

Dan Brown: “Overpopulation is an issue so profound that all of us need to ask what should be done.”

Based on the above observation and reasoning, I've developed the following thesis using the Hegelian Dialectic (problem, reaction, solution):

The PTB have scientifically reached the conclusion that human overpopulation has placed the planet in an existential crisis. They've determined that if drastic population control measures aren't enacted soon, irreparable damage to the planet and its ecosystem is inevitable. They intend to address this issue in three phases: 1. Socially-engineered sterilization, 2. Technological escapism, 3. Space Emigration. We are in Phase 1 and on the verge of entering Phase 2.

Socially-engineered sterilization is systemic-endorsed collusion amongst establishment entities that actively promote the breakdown of the family unit in order to discourage reproduction. The primary methods used are feminism and homosexuality.

The socially-engineered sterilization aspect of the depopulation effort has already been successfully implemented. The United States has frequently been below replacement numbers (2.1) since 1971, and has been consistently below since 2007. In 2020, the U.S. hit a record low at 1.6 births per woman. The breakdown of the traditional family as the result of radical feminism is the biggest contributor to the reduction in birthrates.

With regard to homosexuality, there has been a sharp rise in those who identify as LGBTQ, particularly among millennials. According to a recent poll, 5.6% of adults identify as LGBT, up from just 3.5% in 2012. Among millennials, data suggests that 20% identify as LGBTQ, compared to 12% of Gen X and just 7% of baby boomers. This illustrates the fluidity of sexuality when manipulated. Homosexuality as a cause is social, but as an effect it's evolutionary.

The entirety of the West has not only endorsed feminism and homosexuality, but have vehemently enforced it. People get stuck in the mud moralizing these behaviors instead of rationally processing them. When a person is able to escape their feelings and analyze homosexuality and feminism critically, from an evolutionary perspective, they are able to see these behaviors for what they really are: a crypto-eugenics psyop.

The next phase of depopulation is the one we are currently entering: technological escapism. This is the concept of replacing - or fusing - biological reality with virtual reality. The Metaverse is the evolution of the internet. Like it or not, it's the next thing. This technology alone will plummet birthrates below one. People will just not leave their homes anymore. All of their relationships will be virtual. Reality will become a social construct.

Companies are literally spending millions of dollars as we speak buying up “property” in the Metaverse:

CNBC reports that since Facebook made the move towards becoming Meta, prices of digital plots have gone up by as much as 500%. One company reported spending over $2.5 million USD on land in Decentraland, a metaverse based around crypto complete with its own currency where every piece of content in the game is owned, completely autonomously, by the players. Another firm revealed spending $4.3 million buying a plot of land in Atari’s The Sandbox metaverse.CNBC.

Metaverses, in the current zeitgeist, refers to these niche virtual worlds which in most cases, look a lot worse than your average videogame. Celebrity appearances and shows are becoming fairly common, a bit like the Fortnite concerts, and some like Snoop Dogg and Paris Hilton even own property in these worlds. Having celebrities onboard naturally is helping to drive up the price, with the house next to Snoop’s planned mansion going for $4.3 million.

Another suspicious circumstance regarding the COVID pandemic is the timing aspect. Right about the time this VR technology is ready to be rolled out, society gets put into this perpetual state of nihilistic despair, glued to their phones in isolation. Everyone is miserable and depressed (77 million people in the US are on psychiatric drugs). Drug overdoses have reached all-time highs, with 93,000 people dying in 2020. Roughly 50,000 people commit suicide annually. Then out of nowhere, this new technology appears that will allow people to escape their living hell and create a better reality in a virtual world. Seems rather convenient, but it's probably just another weird coincidence.

In a recently published article, an Australian professor of philosophy says that “virtual reality is genuine reality, and we need to embrace it.” Not only that, but he says that virtual reality will become a safe haven from things like “environmental collapse, pandemics and nuclear wars.” He even says that living in physical reality will eventually be viewed as a type of fetish:

It is hard to imagine humans spending their lives in virtual reality when the experience amounts to waving your arms about in the middle of the lounge with a device the size of a house brick strapped to your face.

But this is where humanity is heading, says the philosopher David Chalmers, who argues for embracing the fate. Advances in technology will deliver virtual worlds that rival and then surpass the physical realm. And with limitless, convincing experiences on tap, the material world may lose its allure, he says.

“A common way of thinking about virtual realities is that they’re somehow fake realities, that what you perceive in VR isn’t real. I think that’s wrong,” he told the Guardian. “The virtual worlds we’re interacting with can be as real as our ordinary physical world. Virtual reality is genuine reality.”

But where does this leave the physical world? “In the short term we’re pretty clearly going to be based in physical reality and I certainly wouldn’t recommend abandoning it,” Chalmers says. “But in the longer term, it’s possible to imagine people spending most of their lives inside virtual reality.” The pursuit of the physical may come to seem a novelty or a fetish, he adds.

Writing in the book, he describes numerous draws that will pull people in to VR. These are worlds in which people can enjoy superhuman powers, possess other bodies, experience new sensations and explore environments with different laws of physics. With almost unlimited space, everyone can have a virtual mansion, or even a virtual planet. And if the physical world becomes dangerously degraded – by environmental collapse, nuclear war or an interminable pandemic – VR could offer a safe haven, he says.

So, for the majority of “useless eaters,” the options are going to be, a) single and overweight, addicted to porn and opioids, suicidal and on antidepressants, b) buy some property next to Snoop Dogg and Kim Kardashian in the Metaverse with worthless crypto and become a handsome superhero with a private jet who gets all the chicks, or c) be an outlier.

That leads us to Phase 3: space colonization. Last year alone, investors dumped a record $14.5 billion dollars into space stocks. That's 50% more than was invested in 2020. Colonizing the final frontier might sound like a thing of fantasy, but it's going to happen. And probably sooner than you think. After all, exploration and conquest are the essence of European Man.

By the time space colonies are established, we will be in the midst of the sixth extinction, and the human population will have been considerably reduced. Earth's ecosystem will be in recovery and become a nature reserve that the elites from space use as a vacation resort:

Amazon Founder and space explorer Blue Origin owner Jeff Bezos, recently forecasted that Earth will soon become a "natural resort."

According to a WION report Bezos said, this planet will soon turn into a natural resort because only a few "will be allowed to stay here in the future."

During the annual Ignatius Forum in Washington DC, the billionaire also said, the Earth is special and "we cannot ruin it."

Talking about Blue Origin, his new firm, Bezos explained the experts are aiming to make sure that millions of people get to not only work in space but be born and call space as their first home, as well.

Bezos also explained millions of people will move from Earth to space over time. More so, it is the vision of Blue Origin to make millions of people work in space.

For hundreds of years, he added, most, or many of the people "will be born in space." It will be these humans' first home. More so, they will be born in these colonies, not to mention, they will live in such colonies.

These people may visit this planet the way one would visit a national park, forecasted Bezos. He believes the space colonies in the future will have forests, wildlife, and rivers of their own, a similar report said.

Describing his prediction, Bezos said this planet can support, for example, 10 billion people to a certain level. He elaborated they'd have to work quite hard to find out how to do that without degrading the Earth. Ge added the solar system can "support a trillion people."

Even though the billionaire is relatively positive about taking humanity to space and keeping this planet for a selected few, he was uncertain about claiming who is to decide who's staying on this planet.

It's not some kind of secret conspiracy theory when the richest man in the world is publicly telling everyone what the future looks like. The only way his vision doesn't become reality is if it's impossible to achieve. Ask yourself how many things you experience or witness everyday that 100 years ago would've been considered impossible by all practical measures. Bezos and company are serious, and they have every possible resource available at their disposal. Once you combine mission and motive, there's only one unknown variable to the depopulation equation: time.


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Republicans Are The Real Democrats

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday refuted the notion that President Joe Biden's pledge to nominate the first Black woman to the US Supreme Court was "affirmative action" and said doing so would make the court "look more like America."

During an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation," the South Carolina Republican told moderator Margaret Brennan he was supportive of qualified minority candidates being considered to replace Justice Stephen Breyer, who will step down from the Supreme Court later this year.

"Put me in the camp of making sure the court and other institutions look like America," the senator said. "You know, we make a real effort as Republicans to recruit women and people of color to make the party look more like America. Affirmative action is picking somebody not as well qualified for past wrongs."

In the interview Sunday Graham praised J. Michelle Childs, a judge on the US District Court for the District of South Carolina who earlier this month was nominated by Biden to serve on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and is now being considered to replace Breyer.

"Michelle Childs is incredibly qualified. There's no affirmative action component if you pick her," he said.

He continued: "I can't think of a better person for President Biden to consider for the Supreme Court then Michelle Childs. She has wide support in our state. She's considered to be a fair-minded, highly gifted jurist. She's one of the most decent people I've ever met. It would be good for the court to have somebody who's not at Harvard or Yale."

Graham also said there were other Black women he believed would be well-prepared to serve on the high court.

"President [Ronald] Reagan said running for office that he wanted to put the first female on the court. Whether you like it or not, Joe Biden said 'I'm going to pick an African-American woman to serve on the Supreme Court,'" he said. "I believe there are plenty of qualified African American women — conservative and liberal — that could go onto the court." 

Graham again reiterated that Childs, who received her master's degree and juris doctorate from the University of South Carolina, had a wealth of expertise in labor and employment law and would be well suited for the court.

"I don't see Michelle Childs as an act of affirmative action," he said. "I do see putting a Black woman on the court making the court more like America. In the history of our country, we've only had five women serve and two African-American men." 

WTF is wrong with this guy? How is he any different from a democrat?

As I said in my previous post about Biden's desire to nominate a woman with black skin, if you really wanted to make the supreme court "look like" America, you would probably hire an Asian or American Indian. 

White men are accustomed to being overlooked based on their superiority skin color and gender, but I can't help but wonder how things would be if Asians acted more like Blacks. I don't think there is any doubt that we could find several Asian men more worthy of SCOTUS nomination than any Black woman (from a merit-based perspective).

For a Republican to come out in support of Biden nominating someone based on race and gender is absolutely stupid! The devolution of our society is almost beyond comprehension. 

Lindsey probably knows every notable MLK quote by heart. Yet, the entire premise behind MLK's civil right's movement was to judge people based on their merit, and not their skin color. So, which is it Lindsey: racism or equality?

Lindsey Graham "believes" there is a woman with Black skin who is qualified to be on the supreme court. Yet, everyone knows there are White men that are. 

The question becomes, if we are all Americans, wouldn't every American want the best possible candidate to get for the job, for the sake of the country? Wouldn't you want you the best pilot flying your plane, or best doctor performing your surgery? Would you even care what race or gender they were, as long as you knew they were the best?

Speaking of which, how is Lindsey Graham the best possible republican we can find in his district? This guy is obviously a low IQ grifter who cares more about virtue-signaling to Blacks than he does the wants of his constituents or the future of his country.

The fact that republicans are competing with the democrats to determine who the "real democrats" are is a true American tragedy. White people should collectively refuse to vote, or at least not vote for anymore republican candidates until they are willing to openly address the anti-White nature of the status quo, and publicly announce that they are pro-White.

There are 200 million White people in the United States who have absolutely zero representation in the political sphere. How is that even possible?


Sunday Scripture

Psalm 38:1-22

O Lord, rebuke me not in your anger,

nor discipline me in your wrath!

For your arrows have sunk into me,

and your hand has come down on me.

There is no soundness in my flesh

because of your indignation;

there is no health in my bones

because of my sin.

For my iniquities have gone over my head;

like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me.

My wounds stink and fester

because of my foolishness,

I am utterly bowed down and prostrate;

all the day I go about mourning.

For my sides are filled with burning,

and there is no soundness in my flesh.

I am feeble and crushed;

I groan because of the tumult of my heart.

O Lord, all my longing is before you;

my sighing is not hidden from you.

My heart throbs; my strength fails me,

and the light of my eyes - it has also gone from me.

My friends and companions stand 

aloof from my plague,

and my nearest kin stand far off.

Those who seek my life lay their snares;

those who seek my hurt speak of ruin

and meditate treachery all day long.

But I am like a deaf man; I do not hear,

like a mute man who does not open his mouth.

I have become like a man who does not hear,

and in whose mouth are no rebukes.

But for you, O Lord, do I wait;

it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.

For I said, "Only let me not rejoice over me, 

who boast against me when my foots slips!"

For I am ready to fall,

and my pain is ever before me.

I confess my iniquity;

I am sorry for my sin.

But my foes are vigorous, they are mighty,

and many are those who hate me wrongfully.

Those who render me evil for good

accuse me because I follow after good.

Do not forsake me, O Lord!

Oh my God, be not far from me!

Make haste to help me,

O Lord, my salvation!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

80% Of Olive Oil Is Fake!

In the above video, Dr Berg explains that 80% of olive oils are fake. Fake in the sense that they aren't made with high quality olives that are picked and then quickly cold-pressed. These "olive oils" are made with diluted olive oils mixed with soybean oil or canola oil, and sometimes even solvents and preservatives are added.  

The video provides a way to taste-test your olive oil in order to determine if you're getting the real thing. Of note, most real olive oil is going to be in a glass bottle (not plastic) and will usually cost more than $10. There are exceptions to that. For example, I buy Simply Nature Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Aldi that costs about $5 for a 16.9 oz bottle. It has been certified by the North American Olive Oil Foundation since 2016. Click on the provided link to see a list of certified olive oils so you can be sure you're getting the real stuff. Or at least use the taste-test provided by Dr Berg in the video.

Here are some interesting FAQs from their website:

How does the Seal Program work?

Participants in the Seal Program must agree to have us randomly test their products, which we sample from store shelves, and submit the samples to certified independent laboratories. The oils are tested to ensure that they meet or exceed the physico-chemical standards set by the International Olive Council to ascertain purity and quality. Participants pay a fee to participate in the program and license the Seal for use on their packaging. It does not mean that we test every bottle or even every lot. However, the penalty for getting caught is severe. If we can confirm that a product we have tested is not authentic, the company is required to conduct a recall of the licensed products from all stores across North America. 

Do you test all brands?

No. We only test bottles of companies that agree to take part in the program. The program is currently only open to members of the North American Olive Oil Association.

I Thought Hiring Someone Based On Skin Color Was 'Racist'

Biden has said that he will replace SCOTUS Breyer (retiring) with a Black woman. But how is that not racist? I'm almost positive that was exactly what the civil rights movement of the 60s was against.

How do we flourish as a society when people are being hired based on their race and gender (even though gender is now a social construct)? Aren't we supposed to be past that by like 50 years?

When Biden made this announcement, did he even have a viable candidate in mind? Or was he just like, "uhh, yea, uhh, I'll nominate a Black woman cause her skin is black.... because that's our values."

If there was a Black woman who has been waiting in the wing for years, with all of these prestigious credentials, then sure, nominate her because she is the best candidate for the job. I don't think nobody disagrees with that. But, what about those who are more deserving of the job who don't have black privilege black skin? 

The idea that hiring Black people because their skin is black means we've advanced as a society to the point that we aren't a "racist" country anymore is just silly. If anything it shows that we are more "racist" now than ever. It just proves that the most important credential for a Black person is their black skin.

Personally, if I was a Black person who got hired just because my skin was black, I'd feel disrespected. Tbh, I'd feel like one of those autistic kids that both teams let score at the end of the game. 

Nothing is more "racist" than saying: "We're going to hire you because your skin is black, not because of anything you've accomplished. We just want to show everyone that we aren't racist."

Furthermore, if this nomination is based on racial representation (although Thomas is black), then why isn't Biden (does anyone actually think Biden is the one making the nomination?) nominating an Asian or American Indian? Or even a Muslim?

The "dems are the real racists" is just a silly boomer mantra that they think will attract Black voters (it won't). But from a practical standpoint, democrats really are more racist than republicans. 

None of it really matters, tho. America is a dying empire.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What Does The Bible Say About Intermarriage?

Ezra 9:1-15

Ezra’s Prayer concerning Intermarriage

1 When these things had been done, the Jewish leaders came to me and said, “Many of the people of Israel, and even some of the priests and Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the other peoples living in the land. They have taken up the detestable practices of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites. 2 For the men of Israel have married women from these people and have taken them as wives for their sons. So the holy race has become polluted by these mixed marriages. Worse yet, the leaders and officials have led the way in this outrage.”

3 When I heard this, I tore my cloak and my shirt, pulled hair from my head and beard, and sat down utterly shocked. 4 Then all who trembled at the words of the God of Israel came and sat with me because of this outrage committed by the returned exiles. And I sat there utterly appalled until the time of the evening sacrifice.

5 At the time of the sacrifice, I stood up from where I had sat in mourning with my clothes torn. I fell to my knees and lifted my hands to the Lord my God. 6 I prayed,

“O my God, I am utterly ashamed; I blush to lift up my face to you. For our sins are piled higher than our heads, and our guilt has reached to the heavens. 7 From the days of our ancestors until now, we have been steeped in sin. That is why we and our kings and our priests have been at the mercy of the pagan kings of the land. We have been killed, captured, robbed, and disgraced, just as we are today.

8 “But now we have been given a brief moment of grace, for the Lord our God has allowed a few of us to survive as a remnant. He has given us security in this holy place. Our God has brightened our eyes and granted us some relief from our slavery. 9 For we were slaves, but in his unfailing love our God did not abandon us in our slavery. Instead, he caused the kings of Persia to treat us favorably. He revived us so we could rebuild the Temple of our God and repair its ruins. He has given us a protective wall in Judah and Jerusalem.

10 “And now, O our God, what can we say after all of this? For once again we have abandoned your commands! 11 Your servants the prophets warned us when they said, ‘The land you are entering to possess is totally defiled by the detestable practices of the people living there. From one end to the other, the land is filled with corruption. 12 Don’t let your daughters marry their sons! Don’t take their daughters as wives for your sons. Don’t ever promote the peace and prosperity of those nations. If you follow these instructions, you will be strong and will enjoy the good things the land produces, and you will leave this prosperity to your children forever.’

13 “Now we are being punished because of our wickedness and our great guilt. But we have actually been punished far less than we deserve, for you, our God, have allowed some of us to survive as a remnant. 14 But even so, we are again breaking your commands and intermarrying with people who do these detestable things. Won’t your anger be enough to destroy us, so that even this little remnant no longer survives? 15 O Lord, God of Israel, you are just. We come before you in our guilt as nothing but an escaped remnant, though in such a condition none of us can stand in your presence.”

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Scripture

Psalm 5: 1-12

O Lord, hear me as I pray;

pay attention to my groaning.

Listen to me cry for help, my King and my God,

for I will never pray to anyone but you.

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.

Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

Oh God, you take no pleasure in wickedness;

you cannot tolerate the slightest sin.

Therefore, the proud will not be allowed to stand in your presence,

for you hate all who do evil.

You will destroy those who tell lies.

The Lord detests murderers and deceivers.

Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house;

with deepest awe I will worship at your Temple.

Lead me in the right path, O Lord,

or my enemies will conquer me.

Tell me clearly what to do, 

and show me which way to turn.

My enemies cannot speak one truthful word.

Their deepest desire is to destroy others.

Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave.

Their speech is filled with flattery.

O God, declare them guilty.

Let them be caught in their own traps.

Drive them away because of their many sins,

for they rebel against you.

But all who take refuge in you rejoice;

let them sing joyful praises forever.

Protect them,

so all who love your name may be filled with joy.

For you bless the Godly, O Lord,

surrounding them with your shield of love. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Investments In Space Stocks Rise 50% from 2020 to 2021. Space Colonization is Coming

Private investment in space companies last year set a record, according to a report Tuesday by New York-based firm Space Capital.

Space infrastructure companies received $14.5 billion of private investment in 2021, a new annual record that was up more than 50% from 2020. That includes a record-setting fourth quarter, which brought in $4.3 billion thanks to “mega-rounds” of $250 million or more by Sierra Space, Elon Musk’s SpaceX, and Planet Labs.

The quarterly Space Capital report divides investment in the industry into three technology categories: infrastructure, distribution and application. Infrastructure includes what would be commonly considered as space companies, such as firms that build rockets and satellites.

In total, Space Capital tracks 1,694 companies which have raised $252.9 billion in cumulative global equity investments since 2012 across the three space categories.

“As we look ahead, we see tremendous opportunities to scale mass adoption of the existing infrastructure as we look for radically new approaches to build and operate space-based assets,” Space Capital managing partner Chad Anderson wrote in the report.

The report also highlighted record investment by venture capital firms across the three categories. Space-related companies received $17.1 billion in venture capital last year, which the report said made up 3% of total global venture capital investment in 2021.

Space colonization is coming.

That's not an attempt at any kind of moralization, it's just an inevitable fact.

The essence of European Man is rooted in the desire to explore and conquer. Again, not a moralization, just an observable fact.

The problem that comes with space colonization is there is a element of people who want to depopulate earth and move humanity into space in order to allow the planet to get back to its natural state.

Again, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it's a bad thing. Maybe it's neither. Time will tell.

However, for that particular element of people, space colonization is directly linked with depopulation ideas, like VR and sixth extinction. With the goal ultimately being to drastically reduce the human population of earth, allowing for it to be restored to its natural state, and then earth becoming somewhat of a vacation resort for elites. 

Maybe that sounds crazy. But not any crazier than trying to force the entire world to inject a gene-editing serum into their body that doesn't even do what it's supposed to do. Or the NIH injecting female hormones into male monkeys to turn them into trannies so they can study HIV. Those things are crazy. The elites turning earth into their private vacation resort is sane compared to that.

The question you should ask yourself is this: If the technology existed to depopulate the earth, transfer the remaining human population to space, and then turn earth into a nature reserve, zoo and vacation resort for the rich and famous, would the PTB do it? 

Bonus: I'm not a financial advisor, but if I were going to put my money on something, I'd be extremely bullish on space stock. Investments in space companies rose 50% from 2020 to 2021. I expect it to rise significantly higher next year, and the years to follow. 



Monday, January 17, 2022

Virtual Reality Is Part Of The Depopulation Plan

It is hard to imagine humans spending their lives in virtual reality when the experience amounts to waving your arms about in the middle of the lounge with a device the size of a house brick strapped to your face.

But this is where humanity is heading, says the philosopher David Chalmers, who argues for embracing the fate. Advances in technology will deliver virtual worlds that rival and then surpass the physical realm. And with limitless, convincing experiences on tap, the material world may lose its allure, he says.

Chalmers, a professor of philosophy and neural science at New York University, makes the case to embrace VR in his new book, Reality+. Renowned for articulating “the hard problem” of consciousness – which inspired Tom Stoppard’s play of the same name – Chalmers sees technology reaching the point where virtual and physical are sensorily the same and people live good lives in VR.

“A common way of thinking about virtual realities is that they’re somehow fake realities, that what you perceive in VR isn’t real. I think that’s wrong,” he told the Guardian. “The virtual worlds we’re interacting with can be as real as our ordinary physical world. Virtual reality is genuine reality.

But where does this leave the physical world? “In the short term we’re pretty clearly going to be based in physical reality and I certainly wouldn’t recommend abandoning it,” Chalmers says. “But in the longer term, it’s possible to imagine people spending most of their lives inside virtual reality.” The pursuit of the physical may come to seem a novelty or a fetish, he adds.

There are plenty of pitfalls to be wary of, he notes. As fulfilling as virtual worlds may become, people will need real food, drink and exercise, and perhaps even the odd glimpse of daylight, to keep their bodies from withering away. The risks may be trivial for decades yet, Chalmers says, but a gradual trend towards virtual living could eventually raise new health issues. 

“If virtual worlds are controlled by corporations, as they seem to be right now, will that lead to potentially dystopian realities where the corporations are controlling everything in our environments? I think there are obvious reasons to worry about that,” Chalmers says.

It is unlikely everyone will turn to VR, and some people, Chalmers says, will still value sheer physicality.

“There may be a sense of authenticity in interacting in our original biological form. But it’s hard to see why sheer physicality should make the difference between a meaningful life and a meaningless life,” he writes. “In the long term, virtual worlds may have most of what is good about the nonvirtual world. Given all the ways in which virtual worlds may surpass the nonvirtual world, life in virtual worlds will often be the right life to choose.”

Get in your prison cell apartment and put on your VR headset and don't come out! When you get hungry or thirsty just tell your warden Alexa and your filtered poop-water and bug burger will be left on your doorstep. But, no human contact, cause you might find out the truth get sick, so it will just be dropped through the doggy door.

But don't worry, we will eventually just hook you up to an IV that filters your urine and poop. Then you will be self-sustainable and you can just sit in your prison cell apartment all day living your life as a superhero. You'll basically be an individual sewer treatment facility, that turns your waste into your food and water. You won't even have to burden yourself with physically eating or drinking. It'll all just be given intravenously on a schedule to ensure you're getting the proper nutrition.

Plus, in your VR reality you will be able to have a girlfriend. Or even 10 girlfriends. Or maybe even a boyfriend, girlfriend and a tranny. And you'll be able experience all the sexual degeneracy intimacy the mind can fathom.

And all of your sterilizations, vaccines, opioids and hormones life-saving medications that keep you safe will be put into your IV whenever your discreetly implanted nanochip records indicate you're due for them. 

You won't have any responsibilities, and nobody will be able to hurt your feelings. In VR, nobody is allowed to use bad words, or make fun of people. Everyone is whoever they want to be. Because reality is a social construct. 

In a couple hundred years, the sixth extinction will be complete and humans will be gone from the planet. All of the destruction and carnage humanity did will be reversed. Then the elites good humans who moved to space will be able to visit their vacation homes on earth, and experience the planet in its natural form.

And anyone who says that VR isn't reality is just a climate change denier who is also probably a Christian, anti-vaxer, racist and conspiracy theorist. But don't worry about them, they'll be rounded up and put in prison probably get sick from a virus or die from a climate change event.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday Scripture


Psalms 2: 1-12

Why do the nations rage?

Why do the people waste their time with futile plans?

The kings of the earth prepare for battle;

the rulers plot together

against the Lord

and against his anointed one.

"Let us break their chains," they cry,

"and free ourselves from this slavery."

But the one who rules in heaven laughs.

The Lord scoffs at them.

Then in anger he rebukes them,

terrifying them with a fierce fury.

For the Lord declares, "I have placed my chosen king on the throne

in Jerusalem, my holy city." 

The king proclaims the Lord's decree:

"The Lord said to me, 'You are my son.

Today I have become your Father.

Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,

the ends of the earth as your possession.

You will break them with an iron rod

and smash them like clay pots.'

Now then, you kings, act wisely!

Be warned, you rulers of the earth!

Serve the Lord with reverent fear,

and rejoice and trembling.

Submit to God's royal son, or he will become angry,

and you will be destroyed in the midst of your pursuits -

for his anger can flare up in an instant.

But what joy for all who find protection in him!













Saturday, January 15, 2022

Sixth Extinction Is Just A Depopulation Talking Point

The history of life on Earth has been marked five times by events of mass biodiversity extinction caused by extreme natural phenomena. Today, many experts warn that a Sixth Mass Extinction crisis is underway, this time entirely caused by human activities.

A comprehensive assessment of evidence of this ongoing extinction event was published recently in the journal Biological Reviews by biologists from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France.

“Drastically increased rates of species extinctions and declining abundances of many animal and plant populations are well documented, yet some deny that these phenomena amount to mass extinction,” said Robert Cowie, lead author of the study and research professor at the UH Mānoa Pacific Biosciences Research Center in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST). “This denial is based on a highly biased assessment of the crisis which focuses on mammals and birds and ignores invertebrates, which of course constitute the great majority of biodiversity.”

Unfortunately, along with science denial taking a foothold in modern society on a range of issues, the new study points out that some people also deny that the Sixth Extinction has begun. Additionally, others accept it as a new and natural evolutionary trajectory, as humans are just another species playing their natural role in Earth’s history. Some even consider that biodiversity should be manipulated solely for the benefit of humanity – but benefit defined by whom?

“Humans are the only species capable of manipulating the biosphere on a large scale,” Cowie emphasized. “We are not just another species evolving in the face of external influences. In contrast, we are the only species that has conscious choice regarding our future and that of Earth’s biodiversity.” 

“Despite the rhetoric about the gravity of the crisis, and although remedial solutions exist and are brought to the attention of decision-makers, it is clear that political will is lacking,” said Cowie. “Denying the crisis, accepting it without reacting, or even encouraging it constitutes an abrogation of humanity’s common responsibility and paves the way for Earth to continue on its sad trajectory towards the Sixth Mass Extinction.” 

The narcissistic self-hatred of White Saviorists (liberals) is quite the conundrum.

Their obsession to "save" things is an addiction; it's an autistic form of OCD.

Everything the White Saviorist does is both self-gratifying, and contradictory. For example: They want to save Africans, but by doing so they enable a population explosion which is incompatible with their goal of saving the planet from human overpopulation.

It's so weird. 

It's a major blindspot of theirs. But unfortunately for them, critical thinkers can see it clearly.

The reason these White Saviorists only advocate for the extinction of white people is because they don't view non-Whites as human. I hate the "libs are the real white supremacists" political narrative, but from a pragmatic narrative, it's 1000% true. 

When they say "humans are the only species capable of manipulating the biosphere," they aren't talking about non-Whites anymore than they're talking about their fur babies. They are explicitly talking about White people. Even though White people are less than 10% of the global population, and pretty much all Whites except for fundamentalist Christians have negative birthrates. 

Gates INC has certainly played the mental gymnastics of allowing the population explosion in Africa, and how it is contradictory to their depopulation plan. The way they will handle it is to implement Westernized Globohomo (diversity, homosexuality, GMO food, modern medicine, opioids, technology, etc) and in a couple of generations they are counting on it producing negative birthrates, which will reverse the population boom. 

The ultimate goal of elites is to colonize space and turn earth into a nature reserve that the elites have vacation homes at. 

Sixth extinction and global warming are just precursors to justify their depopulation efforts in the same way they would use patriotic propaganda to justify wars that result in millions of casualties. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Stop Using Store-Bought Toothpaste. It's Dangerous! 

A new study conducted in mice demonstrates precisely how triclosan, an antimicrobial found in toothpaste, toys, and thousands of other products, can trigger gut inflammation.

An international team of researchers led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Hong Kong Baptist University identified the bacteria, and even specific enzymes, that trigger triclosan’s harmful effects. Moreover, studies in mice suggest these bacterial enzymes can be blocked from driving intestinal damage.

“By identifying the culprit bacteria, new approaches could be developed for the diagnoses, prevention, and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases,” said study author Matthew Redinbo, a chemistry and microbiology professor at the UNC-Chapel Hill College of Arts & Sciences and UNC School of Medicine.

Previous research has shown triclosan’s toxicity, but the new study provides a closer look at the changes caused in the gut’s microscopic population.

Researchers connected specific gut microbial enzymes, notably gut microbial beta-glucuronidase (GUS) proteins, with triclosan and showed these enzymes drive triclosan to wreak havoc in the gut.

Knowing which bacterial proteins were the culprits, the team used a microbiome-targeted inhibitor to block triclosan processing in the gut. Blocking this process in mice prevented damage to the colon and symptoms of colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease.

The study provides new clues about management of IBD among the growing number of people diagnosed with the disease. IBD can be managed for long periods of time only to flare up out of seemingly nowhere.

Triclosan used to be widely available in antibacterial soaps marketed to consumers. But in 2016, the Food and Drug Administration ordered it removed from handwashing products used in homes and hospital settings because of concerns it contributed to more resistant bacteria.

But triclosan remains ubiquitous as an ingredient added to cosmetics, yoga mats and other athletic clothes and gear to reduce bacterial contamination. It’s also routinely used in many toothpastes – with FDA approval – since it has been found to prevent gingivitis

Humanity existed for hundreds of thousands of years without chemically-induced toothpastes (or any other chemicals humans use for personal hygiene). People should use critical thinking skills and ponder that for a moment. 

I've pretty much eliminated every modern personal hygiene product from my daily hygienic routine. I use soap sparingly (armpits, groin, feet) in the shower or when I wash my hands. I don't use shampoo or conditioner (about once every 2 months I will wash and condition my hair). I don't use deodorant (isopropyl alcohol applied after shower with cotton ball). I moisturize after shower with coconut oil. And I make my own toothpaste (coconut oil and baking soda).

You're probably thinking, "I bet this dude stinks." Maybe I do. I don't think I do. But, honestly I don't really care. Our ancestors probably stunk, too. Or maybe they didn't. Maybe they just smelled like humans. Dogs smell like dogs, right? Nonetheless, I'm not willing to use chemicals on my body just because that's what everyone else does. Humans haven't used these chemicals very long at all, so we really don't know how they're impacting our health. But we are constantly hearing about how the Science! has suddenly identified some chemical we have been using/ingesting causes illness, or is toxic. 

As a matter of fact, the FDA recalls 4500 drugs every year. 

I'm not offering advice, you handle your personal hygiene how you see fit. I'm just putting an idea out there for those capable of processing ideas logically.

And, for the record: I don't stink, I smell like a Man.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Mainstream COVID Misinformation 

The U.S. has reported a record single-day number of daily Covid cases, with more than 1 million new infections.

A total of 1,082,549 new coronavirus cases were reported Monday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, as the highly infectious omicron variant continues to spread throughout the country.

The new daily tally brings the total number of cases confirmed in the U.S. since the start of the pandemic to 56,189,547. In total, the virus has caused at least 827,748 deaths across the country.

The record single-day total may be due in part to delayed reporting from over the holiday weekend. A number of U.S. states did not report data on Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve, and many do not report data on weekends, meaning that some of these cases could be from positive tests taken on prior days.

Nonetheless, as of Jan. 3, the seven-day average of daily new U.S. cases is 480,273, the highest such metric of new cases in any country tracked by Johns Hopkins.

About 98,000 Americans are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to a seven-day average of data from the Department of Health and Human Services as of Jan. 3, up 32% from a week ago. That figure is approaching peak delta wave levels when about 103,000 people were in hospital beds with Covid across the country in early September, but remains lower than last winter’s high mark of roughly 137,000 U.S. hospitalizations.

Remember when they said the "highly effective vaccines" would get us back to normal? 

Remember when they said the "highly effective vaccines" would prevent people from catching COVID?

Remember when they said masks weren't effective against respiratory viruses?

I think you get the picture. But, this article is yet another example of misinformation. They are saying the surge in COVID cases is from the new Omicron variant, but the CDC just came out and said that Omicron is only 22% of cases:

The CDC has significantly revised the estimate of the percentage of new COVID-19 infections in the U.S. caused by the Omicron variant.

As of Saturday, Omicron accounted for about 59% of U.S. infections, according to the latest CDC data updated Tuesday. Last week, the CDC said Omicron made up 73% of all cases as of Dec. 18, which has now been revised to 22.5% of cases.


It's almost like they're just guessing at this point. Wait, they are just guessing:  

“With Omicron in particular, it’s been very difficult to have any sort of projections because things are changing just so, so rapidly,” Nathan Grubaugh, PhD, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health who is tracking Omicron samples in Connecticut, told the newspaper.

The estimates will likely become more accurate as scientists collect more data on Omicron and test more samples.

“I just want people to be very aware that this is an estimate, that’s not actually from sequence-confirmed cases,” Grubaugh said.

We have been fed meals of misinformation about COVID from the beginning. It's like no two statistical datasets produce the same results. It seems to be just a big guessing game. 

I can only come up with two theories as to why there is so much misinformation circulating amongst the experts: 

1. They're incompetent and just don't really know that much.

2. They're liars.  

It's not my place to assume intent. Or to get in another person's mind and speak on their behalf. But it's obvious that they have been wrong about a lot. And instead of them acknowledging their mistakes (e.g., "Hey, we're human here, and we make mistakes, too. But we are doing our best."), they gaslight us by doubling-down or pretending they didn't say some of the stuff they said. 

When your society is based on high-trust and people don't trust those people in positions of leadership, there's a big problem. I just don't see any amount of damage control the establishment can do to regain the trust of the population. 



Monday, January 3, 2022

"Democracy" Has Become A Leftist Talking Point 

In the year since the Jan. 6 insurrection, mainstream journalists have done a lot of things right. They’ve published major investigations, pointed out politicians’ lies and, in many cases, finally learned how to clearly communicate the facts of what happened leading up to that horrendous riot at the U.S. Capitol — and what is happening now as pro-Trump Republicans steadily chip away at the very checks and balances that saved American democracy last year.

Much of this work has been impressive. And yet, something crucial is missing. For the most part, news organizations are not making democracy-under-siege a central focus of the work they present to the public.

“We are losing our democracy day by day, and journalists are individually aware of this, but media outlets are not centering this as the story it should be,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a scholar of autocracy and the author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present.”

That American democracy is teetering is unquestionable. Jan. 6 is every day now, in the words of a recent New York Times editorial that noted the growing evidence: election officials harassed by conspiracy theory addicts, death threats issued to politicians who vote their conscience, GOP lawmakers pushing measures to make it harder for citizens to vote and easier for partisans to overturn legitimate voting results.

Similarly, NPR recently ran a seven-minute segment on what it called “the clear and present danger of Trump’s enduring ‘Big Lie.’ ” As NYU’s Jay Rosen noted, the piece was admirably direct in its language: “No dilution via 'both sides,” no ‘critics say,’ Just a straight-up warning.” And on NBC’s “Meet the Press” this weekend, moderator Chuck Todd — who has deservedly drawn criticism in recent months for too often allowing GOP talking points to go unchallenged — stepped up in a significant way to detail the “big lie” spread by Trump allies this past year to evoke the specter of a supposedly stolen presidential election.

More pointedly, the Atlantic magazine — which positions itself as centrist rather than left-leaning — published an entire issue in December devoted to the topic of democracy under threat. The cover headline’s message was hard to miss: “January 6 was practice.” The cover story by Barton Gellman began with this chilling paragraph:

“Technically, the next attempt to overthrow a national election may not qualify as a coup. It will rely on subversion more than violence, although each will have its place. If the plot succeeds, the ballots cast by American voters will not decide the presidency in 2024. Thousands of votes will be thrown away, or millions, to produce the required effect. The winner will be declared the loser. The loser will be certified president-elect.” 

All of this is good, necessary and important. The Atlantic, particularly, seems to have taken on the challenge.

“We focus on the enemies of democracy, the villains, but we also need to focus on democracy’s heroes,” including those working at the grass-roots level, Ben-Ghiat told me, such as voting rights advocates and public officials in communities across the country. An occasional feature story on Stacey Abrams, the celebrated activist and former Georgia state lawmaker, is not nearly enough.

What is it with the Washington Post's weird obsession with democracy? 

Their mission statement is "democracy dies in darkness." Wtf does that even mean?

I wonder if the lady who wrote this ridiculous article can even define democracy. She obviously isn't familiar with the concept of defining things that you want to discuss. I'd love to hear her working definition of democracy. Then ask her how she feels when democracy produces "racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-semitic" results. 

From what I'm able to gather - reading this anti-Trump/pro-democracy piece - is that being pro-democracy just means that journalists can't allow republican talking points to go unchallenged, and it should be easier for illegals to vote democrat. 

She fails to acknowledge that democracy is a product of white supremacy. Insofar as the concept behind democracy was created by white men for white people. As are "human rights."

If you read between the lines, what she is doing is renaming Marxism and calling it democracy. That is what the Left is really good at. I call it "wordism." They take words and redefine them in an abstract way, to the point that they are entirely subjective. Because their world is based on their feelings. To people like the lady who wrote this junk journalism op-ed, reality is a social construct. She doesn't want to defend democracy, she wants to claim the term "democracy" for Leftists, as a way of redefining reality based on feelings.

Leftists have not only thrust democracy into darkness, but they have taken the ethical essence and integrity of journalism, and effectively made it tabloid-tier quality. 

What they mean by "democracy dies in darkness" is that democracy only works properly when democrats are viewed in a positive light. Or, when democrat policies are democratically successful. And when they're not, then we aren't a democracy, we are a democratic republic.

So, what are democrat policies? Diversity, degeneracy and destruction.

Democracy is for democrats.