Much of right-wing thought (e.g.
politics, literature, arguments, etc) is rooted in pessimism. To be
more precise, most of modern right-wing thought can be
philosophically diagnosed as slave
morality. In other words, it's a reactionary rebellion to the
status quo with the acknowledgment that the position is powerless. As
the left has successfully demonstrated, slave morality (within the
dynamics of Western Civilization, where the moral high ground swings
the pendulum of power) can be revolutionary if its adherents are of
the revolutionary
personality type (right-wingers typically aren't). Due to the
success the left has had subverting power via victimhood (i.e. slave
morality), the right has essentially morphed into late 90s liberalism
(i.e. wordism; e.g. “democrats are the real racists who invented
the KKK”, “anyone can come in as long as they do it legally”,
“happy holidays”, “undocumented migrants”, “diversity is
our strength”) as a way of trying to stay politically competitive
in a game designed to reward failure.
The defining component of slave
morality (which I like to call the “he hate me blame game”) is
or hostility directed at those deemed oppressive, therefore the
source of their frustration. The intent here isn't to critique the
power structure in order to justify who can harness the power of
slave morality, rather the intent is to incite self-reflection and
pose the following question: Are you a master or a slave?
The antithesis of slave morality is
obliviously master morality. The essence of master morality is
nobility. Common behavioral traits for those who exhibit master
morality are strong-will, courage trustworthiness, high self-esteem,
physically and mentally healthy, masculine and who don't seek
validation for their feelings. They lead by example, and set their
own rules. Ultimately, they are the arbitrators of morality and have
an innate understanding of right and wrong.
Contrarily, the essence of slave
morality is utility. The common traits of people afflicted with slave
morality are pessimism, cynicism, physically and mentally unhealthy,
feminine, deceptive, fearful, low self-esteem and perhaps most
importantly, they seek validation for their feelings above all else.
Their morality is based on their feelings, and they view most things
as a malleable social construct. They are followers who have no
desires to become masters, but rather for everyone to become a slave
(i.e. Marxist).
A simple societal observation reveals
the power of slave morality when implemented effectively.
There is emphasis placed on “implemented,” as slave morality is
an irrelevant mindset in and of itself. However, this mindset becomes
relevant once it becomes under the persuasion of social engineers
with an agenda. Nonetheless, the path to power has become who can be
the biggest slave. Consequently, the right have become slaves to
slave morality.
The refutation to the master/slave
morality dichotomy is to reclaim your individual will. Liberation of
the will isn't a choice between the binary options of bad or worse;
it's emotional indifference and rejection to anything that isn't
representative of your values. Don't compromise your integrity.
Instead, focus all of your energy on you (and your loved ones) and
being the best version of yourself that you can be. Let the slaves
grovel for the title of most oppressed, while you influence others by
radiating good moral character.
And how do you do that?
Be positive: The first thing one must
do is to stop being pessimistic and approach life from a positive
perspective in all things you do. Leave the whining to the slaves.
Become a master of your emotions and thoughts. Wake up everyday
grateful that you're alive. Every morning ask yourself how you can be
a better person, and enact it. Do a daily good deed. Create a life
you can't wait to wake up to. Never take life for granted, or
underestimate how short it is (on the topic of time, the cosmic
calendar – the chronological scaling of 13.8 billion years of
the universe to a single year – puts modern history at December 31,
11:59 and 59 seconds).
Establish good habits: habits are the
driving force behind many of our daily actions. In fact, 40% of what
we do is habit. Understanding the rule of habits (cue, routine,
reward) and its ability to shape our behavior can have a dramatic
impact on our self-improvement. One of the favorable things about the
digital age is the amount of information we have at our disposal.
There is a plethora of information on the study of habit
modification. One of the better books I've read recently is a book
titled, The
Power of Habit. If you're looking for a book that can be
influential in the improvement of your routine, I highly recommend
Reject modernity: When liars control
the information systems, you're going to be lied to. Western
societies have devolved into a low-trust cesspool of misinformation.
Nothing exasperated this phenomenon
more than the Covid pandemic. There is no reason to expose yourself
to lies and manipulation. The information systems aren't just
deceptive, they're explicitly anti-White (they don't even try to hide
it anymore). Why would any White person get their information from a
source that hates them (that's not slave morality, that's just
honesty, which is a master trait)? Turn the TV off; and while you're
at it, toss consumerism in the trash. Focus on material possessions
that you actually need, and get rid of the rest. Consider partaking
in the 100
item challenge as a way of liberating yourself from the stuff
that you own. As Tyler Durden said
in Fight Club, “It's only after we have lost everything that we
are free to do anything.”
Embrace struggle: One of the main
reasons we find ourselves in the situation we are in is the desire
for struggle. Throughout all of humanity, the struggle to overcome
and survive has been what has defined us. Although we have overcome
the struggle to survive, we have not overcome the desire to struggle.
We are victims of our own success. White supremacy gave us Western
Civilization, which in turn begot the epidemic of luxury problems
that have temporarily solved the existential crisis for the slave.
Make no mistake about it, slave morality is a byproduct of White
supremacy. The “onward and upward” innovative drive of the White
consciousness is the conundrum that creates the very chaos it seeks
to conquer. Such is the ebb and flow of struggle.
There are several ways in which we can
embrace struggle on an individual level that doesn't result in
collective White saviorism (e.g. curing world hunger, climate change,
open borders for White nations, etc). In other words, create your own
struggle by making yourself uncomfortable on a daily basis, as
opposed to trying to save the planet. This alone will stimulate
personal growth. Some of these things are:
Digital minimalism: minimize or
eliminate screen time. Studies
have shown that our brains are just not evolved to handle the amount
of information we overload it with. The average person spends 6.5
hours per day staring at a screen. That's almost half the time you
are awake. Not too mention, there are a ton of negative
side effects that come with excessive screen time. Long term
this might not seem like struggle, but initially digital withdrawal
will be tough.
Cold showers: take a cold
shower every morning. This is something I can't recommend enough. To
force yourself to take a cold shower first thing in the morning not
only has a lot of health
benefits, but it provides a sense of accomplishment to start the
day. It's make
your bed everyday with an exhilarating endorphin rush and spike
of testosterone.
Nature resets: implement the
rule for spending time in nature. Nothing gets us closer to our
primitive state like spending time in nature. And considering the
average American spends 97%
of their time inside, this is a no-brainer. The 20-5-3 rule was
formulated by Dr Hopman when he studied the neurological changes
after people spent multiple days in nature. The 20 is for 20 minutes
of green space 3 times per week. This has shown to lower cortisol
levels, boost cognition and improve mental health. To ramp up those
benefits, you should spend 5 hours in semi-wild nature once a month.
And perhaps most importantly, the 3 is the actual nature reset,
where one spends 3 days isolated in nature at least once a year. On
day 3, studies
have shown that brainwaves mimic that of a meditative state and
creativity is boosted by as much as 50%.
Fasting: until recently, if one
word were to be used to describe the human condition, hunger could
very well be that word. Nowadays, only about 30% of the time we eat
is because of hunger, the rest is from routine, boredom or gluttony.
Fasting puts us in touch with the struggles hardwired in our genetic
memory. There are several health
benefits of fasting, including autophagy
(your body recycling damaged cells as food) and the generation
of new stem cells. A simple way to incorporate fasting into your
daily routine is via intermittent fasting (12-16 hours without
food). This would be my recommended method, as 8 of those hours can
be spent sleeping. Plus, once the body enters into a state of
ketosis (24-48
hours) it can suck pretty bad. Furthermore, starvation isn't fun.
Just putting yourself into a situation in which you are voluntarily
struggling with hunger is a sign of mastering self-discipline. It
should be noted, that while starvation is most certainly in your
DNA, obesity is not. If you're overweight, you're not a master,
you're a slave. Eat to live, don't live to eat.
Misogi: a misogi
is the concept of doing something so hard one day out of the year
that the other 364 days seem easy. It can help overcome fear and
redefine what's possible. While anything can technically be a
misogi, it should be something that you only have a 50/50 chance of
accomplishing. There are only 2 rules for misogi: 1) it has to be
really, really hard, 2) you can't die. Even if you don't do a
misogi, you should always challenge yourself in some way. Always
have goals. Eliminate the word “can't” from your vocabulary.
Nothing rewarding in life is going to come easy.
Avoid escapism: stop numbing
your way through life. Whether it's alcohol, drugs, porn, gambling,
food or whatever else it is that helps you escape the monotony of
life, stop! Be brave enough to reap the benefits
of boredom. Force yourself to face the rigors of life head on.
Grab life by the proverbial horns and make it your bitch. For many,
this alone might be the hardest struggle of all; just living life.
The idea here is to be positive. To
present a positive message that can resonate with those who don't
need to be reminded for the thousandth time how bad it is for White
people. It's easy to obsess and become cynical over things that are
not in our control. The important thing is to focus on what you do
have control over. And what do you have control over? Your actions
and behaviors. Keep in mind, you can do anything you want to do. If
you don't like what you're doing, do something else. If you don't
like your life, change it. Don't like your neighbors, move. Adopt the
mindset that there's no such thing as problems (or excuses), there's
only solutions.
As White people, our elites have failed
us. But so what? You can still wake up everyday and be the best
person you can possibly be. That includes having self-respect,
dignity, honor, gratitude, humility, impulse control, kindness and
accountability. It's easy to be a slave; anyone can do that. But only
the noble can be a master.
“No man is free who is not master
of himself.” ~ Epictetus