Monday, February 16, 2015

The Liberal

The question remains: 
Am I insane?
I don't think like you.
We aren't the same.

Your message is tolerance, 
yet how intolerant you are.
Is it something personal?
Or just the dreams of a czar?

Your mind has been scrubbed, 
breaths of bubbles when you speak.
You attempt to engage in a debate, 
but your arguments are so, so weak.

Same old regurgitated nonsense.
Stop assuming you're unique.
I've met you a thousand times, 
only a different name and physique.

You're a simple member of the herd.
A sheep running in a rat's race.
Your shepherd is always turned on, 
spewing his message all over your face.

You seek to abolish freedoms, 
like expression, assembly and speech.
What about that tolerance?
Practice what you preach!

Why are you a feminist?
Women have achieved equal rights.
Do you even vote?
Or just let your mouth start fights?

Certain words make you cringe, 
yet you would make a sailor proud.
Your derogatory words are OK, 
but mine are not allowed.

Intolerantly tolerant; 
oxymoronic, yes I know.
Let’s not forget hypocrite, 
since you're eating crow.

Is equality really what you’re after?
Or is it just a game?
I think the question has been answered: 
It's you that is insane.

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