Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Surgery Doesn't Fix Psych Issues!

So-called "gender-affirming surgery" could lead to potentially dangerous mental health effects, a new study has found.

Transgender individuals face "heightened psychological distress," including depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, "partly due to stigma and lack of gender affirmation," as stated in the study, which was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Researchers from the University of Texas set out to determine the mental health impacts from transgender people who underwent "gender-affirming surgery."

They determined rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and substance-use disorders were "significantly higher" among those who underwent surgery, assessed two years later.

Males with surgery had depression rates of 25% compared to males without surgery (11.5%). Anxiety rates among that group were 12.8% compared to 2.6%.

Jonathan Alpert, a Manhattan-based psychotherapist and author, said the study findings highlight the "often overlooked" psychological risks that accompany gender-affirming surgery.

"While these surgeries can be critical in helping individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity, they are not a cure-all for the mental health challenges many transgender individuals face," Alpert, who was not involved in the study, told Fox News Digital.

"These findings suggest that surgery alone doesn’t eliminate the complex psychological burdens that stem from societal stigma and personal struggles with identity," he went on.

"In fact, taking a scalpel to treat a psychological disorder can sometimes lead to more issues, as the study results are elucidating."

This is ground-breaking news. I mean, srsly. Who would've thought that a man paying someone to surgically remove his penis would result in depression? Or even thought that he might have a mental illness at all? The system has repeatedly told people that it's perfectly normal for a man to have his penis surgically removed if society has convinced him that he is actually a woman trapped in a man's body. 

Shame on society for manipulating these disturbed people. They are obviously unwell, yet sociopathic doctors, fueled by greed, are cutting men's penises off for money when they know how wrong it is. 

This is why the bible says:

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil

I've often said that the entire homosexual agenda is a state-sponsored eugenics program. It's really easy to see once you see it. 

I'm also the author of the trans/sociopath overlap theory, in which I present the case that there is overwhelming evidence that supports the correlation between transgenderism and sociopathy. 

Nonetheless, no healthy society would want their citizens to mutilate themselves, or manipulate their mentally ill citizens into self-mutilation. Why would anyone do that? 

Either they're evil, and playing some kind of sick game with the mentally ill, or they've engaged in cryptoeugenics in the hopes of manipulating the gene pool. 

If you haven't read my paper on depopulation, you should. 

God bless.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Why We Feel Guilt

"Guilt" isn't something that we are taught. It is something innate and inherit within the framework of our DNA. More particularly, our genetic memory.

We can't be told to feel guilty, and then suddenly feel guilt. Feelings aren't like that. They are completely internally composed, not externally manipulated. Even if your feelings are manipulated by external influences, it's because your consciousness has experienced whatever it is that invokes emotion.

The reason we experience guilt (and the reason some don't), is because our genetic memory sends signals of guilt when we sin. Those signals are genetic and spiritual reminders of the torture that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ endured on the cross. 

Every time we sin, guilt arises from the fact that God in the form of a man was tortured for those sins. We are wretched sinners who often take our sin for granted, which is where the feelings of guilt come from. It's literally God reminding you what he did for you. The idea is to release you from sin by forgiveness, yet we continually live a life of sin knowing that God shed his blood on the cross for that sin.

Furthermore, the DNA of Christ runs through the veins of his lineage. This is why the Bible so accurately records ancestry. If you're an Israelite, not only the spirit of the Lord is within your soul and consciousness, but his DNA resides in your genetic makeup. Those two things combine for not only your feelings of guilt, but your desire for repentance and forgiveness. Why else would you feel guilty and want to be relieved of that guilt? It's certainly not from drowning while crossing the seas, dying from famine or being killed in battle (although those things can also invoke genetic memory; e.g. the smell of the ocean, love of a certain food, etc).

Genetic memory is as real as cognitive memory. When you sin, if God's blood runs through your veins (or he has chosen to have mercy on you spiritually), you're reminded of his sacrifice. This is why you feel such guilt for your sin. And why you seek forgiveness from those sins. And why God in the form of a man came to bear that burden of sin for you, because he knows this is how he calls his lost sheep.

Matthew 15:24: I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.

Thank you God for sending your only son to be tortured physically for our sins so that we might be free from guilt by repenting and seeking eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. Although it is so terrible that we have to take comfort in our transgression by another's suffering, we know you did that because you loved us before the beginning of time.

All glory to God!