Monday, June 30, 2014

Eric Hoffer

"In a moneyless society there is no freedom of choice, since it is ruled by sheer power, and no equality, since brute force cannot be distributed.  Money power can be controlled without coercion.

When you consider the role played by Jews, a weak minority, and by the merchant class while still under the heels of feudal lords in the development of banking, it will seem plausible that money was invented by the weak.  The wielders of absolute power have always hated money.  They expect people to be motivated by noble ideals and end up by using terror to keep things going.  The moment money ceases to play a dominant role, there will be an end to automatic progress.  The breakdown of civilization will be marked by a breakdown of currencies.  Money and profit-making may seem trivial and mean.  But everyday life is likely to be meager and difficult where people will act and strive only when animated by noble motives."

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