Monday, October 4, 2021

Styx vs Spencer Debate


Entertaining debate.

Spencer has tried to re-brand himself as somewhat of a leftist-ethnocentrist, who supports Biden and COVID mandates. 

Styx basically accuses Spencer of being an accelerationist, in the sense that supporting Biden actually speeds up the decline of the American empire and makes way for balkanization. Spencer denies that. 

Spencer does about 75% of the talking, and Styx just inserts reactionary gotchas along the way. 

It seems that there is a blueprint on how to debate Spencer: just let him talk until he says something stupid and then insert a flamboyant gotcha. Or maybe Styx just knew that it was up to Spencer to prove his point and he could just sit back and chuckle. Even the most hardcore leftists would have a hard time saying Biden is doing a great job, let alone a white nationalist. 

Remember when Biden said "we have hope" because there are so many mixed-raced couples in soap commercials?

Spencer has a lot of haters, as well he should. But he is articulate and has some interesting things to say from time-to-time. Obviously coming out in support of Biden is silly. Nobody takes that serious. But he makes a good point about the MAGA crowd devolving into something way more degenerate and conspiratorial than the Alt-Right ever was. The AR was way cooler than MAGA. That's for sure. 

Spencer thinks the lack of COVID sympathy by Trump cost him the election. He said if Trump would have "shed a tear" over COVID that he would have legitimately won the election by a landslide. I think most people think he did win the election by a landslide. 

Anyway, if you're bored and have a couple of hours to waste, it's certainly more entertaining than watching black men run with a ball. 

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