Friday, April 29, 2022

White People Will Never Have Free Speech On The Internet

"Free Speech" is an extension of democracy, in the sense that everyone has the same "rights."

Giving a low IQ street bum the same political power as a genius with lots of land is silly on merit. It's taking polar opposites and saying they're the same thing by granting them a vote. But everyone knows that the genius with lots of land not only deserves a more powerful opinion, but he will use his savvy and wealth to generate more power. For example, he will round up low IQ street bums and offer them incentives for their vote.

Free speech represents the individual tenets of democracy in the regard that everyone has an opinion that can't be suppressed. Up until the digital age, those opinions didn't matter because the establishment could regulate unpopular opinions by determining which opinions were heard (radio, newspaper, TV, etc). Thus, unpopular opinions were never a threat to the establishment, because the establishment regulated them indirectly.

The frenzy that neo-liberals are currently in over the "free speech" war on the internet stems from the fact that even some low IQ street bum can have an opinion be heard. In other words, he can follow some genius of status and comment on his posts and be heard. While the low IQ street bum most likely won't have anything interesting to say, a high IQ white dissident might.

The battle of free speech isn't about hurting people's feelings. That's just a silly excuse they use to justify censorship. They will ban white ppl who offend "marginalized groups" so they can ban dissidents with ideas that threaten the system.

There's a reason that the Left is in a frenzy over the possibility of free speech. It certainly isn't, "OMG, racist Roger is going to be able to say the N-word on the internet now. And even though I can block him and I will never read that horrible word, the fact that I know it's in the digital universe keeps me from sleeping at night." Maybe those feelings apply to the bottom-tier shitlib normie Leftist that is the quintessential uber-conformist, but establishment-type is worried about their worldview being challenged.

Why do you think that is? Why do you think the Leftist establishment feels threatened by free speech on the internet? It's because they know their ideas are silly and won't hold up to critique. None of them will, in fact.

Black people aren't white people with black skin.

Men who cut their penis off aren't women.

Women aren't men without penises.

Diversity isn't our strength.

Lies aren't the truth.

Free speech means competition to authority. Free speech opens up the exchange of ideas. It makes for a level playing field. It challenges the status quo. 

A system built on truth invites those challenges. Because a system built on truth requires truth for it to function. But a system built on lies and deception can't be challenged by truths or it will be exposed as a fraud. 

There is only one group of people who are effected by censorship, and that's dissident whites. No other groups pose any threat to the system, which is why the system is explicitly anti-white. 

Furthermore, "marginalized dissident groups" like BLM, Antifa, LGBTQ, etc, are by-products of the anti-white establishment, which is why they aren't censored. Rioting and looting and cutting your penis off isn't a threat to the system. It isn't even revolutionary. It's just a distraction.

But, when white people had free speech on the internet they elected Trump in 2016, which was a revolutionary act. That's why  the Left is fighting for censorship so hard. They know that without it, they lose.

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