Friday, January 31, 2025

Bryce Mitchell is BASED!

My fellow Arkansan is based!

Bryce, a high level UFC fighter, started his podcast Arkansanity out with a bang when he said he would love to go fishing with Hitler. And that all Hitler wanted to do was kick out the greedy Jews and queers.

Shoutout to Dana for allowing free speech. It's literally the only organization left in the world that isn't feelings-based. 

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Hitler, but anyone who has been demonized as much as him has to be examined more closely. I assume that if Nazis controlled the media, Hitler wouldn't be viewed in the same light.

I believe it was Goering when he was at Nuremburg that said, "Victors write the history books."

My personal opinion about WW2 is that it was the biggest act of human eugenics in modernity (if not ever). Think about it from an evolutionary perspective: all the best Germans were killed, and all the worst Jews were killed. I shouldn't have to point this out, but I will anyway: "best" and "worst" not in a moral or judgmental sense, but in terms of status, traits, intelligence, etc. All the Einstein's were long gone by the time the they started rounding the Jews up in the ghettos.

Nonetheless, the Overton window has shifted. If you haven't been on X lately, go check it out. It reads like Stormfront did 15 years ago.

Kudos to Bryce for not being afraid to speak his mind. It's always been super weird to me that people get so caught up in what someone they don't even know says. Who cares if someone hypothetically would go fishing with a dead person from history? Just stay in your own lane.  

Have a good day.

God bless. 

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