Friday, April 18, 2014

Harrison's Sister City Project

Harrison has taken another step backwards in order to dispel the social stigma associated with the town's racist image ("Racism" was recently buried in Harrison, but apparently its ghost still lingers). The race-hustlers, ever anxious to stir the pot of racism in order to cast a spell of white guilt, have decided Harrison should form a sister city partnership with a city in Ghana, Africa.

After a series of crucial vaccinations, malaria pills and procuring a hefty supply of Pepto Bismol, the self-appointed delegates will get to visit their chosen sister city within a few months (the Ghana dignitaries also want to visit Harrison before they agree into a Sister City agreement - no word on if they'll need immunizations or malaria pills).  To those familiar with Harrison's "diversity dream team," they know all to well that a place like Ghana was the obvious choice.  Not for the excessive mortality rates due to AIDS, the very high risk of major infectious diseases (including highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza), or the high murder and crime rate, but because Ghana is 100% non-white.  

Since the Task Force on Race Relations has done such a superb job transforming Harrison's image, perhaps the upcoming trip to Ghana would make for an excellent scouting opportunity for possible relocation.  If ever there were a place that could use the Task Force's image reform, what better place than Ghana?  If Ghana had more diversity, maybe they wouldn't be an extremely violent, AIDS infested cesspool.  

Task Force members:  You have done enough for Harrison.  In the name of humanity, relocate to our sister city in Ghana and help them... PLEASE!

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