Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Holt's #BlackPrivilege + Debate Analysis

Was there ever any doubt that the establishment would pick a black moderator for the presidential debate? Black men might account for 2% of the vote this November, but since the election is racially polarized, it's only fair that a black man should get to ask the questions.

Black privilege is getting special consideration for being black. If Holt was chosen based on the fact that he was black (even if that was just one of many reasons), is that black privilege? Is black privilege categorically systemic racism, or does that only apply to white people? Equality doesn't have double standards, it's a two-way street.

The pundits ranted and raved after the debate, stating that Hillary won in a landslide. Was that based on a point system, or a biased agenda? The establishment' talking heads said the same thing after the South Carolina debate, and Trump won that state easily (and sent Jebra home with his tail between his legs). These “experts” are either out of touch with the American people, have an agenda or a weatherman clause in their contract (wrong 90% of the time and still have a job).

Did the establishment that chose Holt based on his blackness, also choose the questions asked of the candidates? Why not any questions to Hillary about her email scandal? Or on Benghazi? How about her alleged health issues? Nope, nada. Holt and the establishment were more concerned about Trump's tax returns and his views on Obama's birth certificate. Maybe it's just me, but accountability for political actions in which lives were lost, premeditated criminal acts and insuring one is healthy enough to run the country should be more important to the American voter than your accountant finagling tax write-offs, or questioning one's country of birth. Just sayin'..

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