Friday, November 18, 2016

Don't Send Your Kids to College

Kevin Allred, a homosexual "feminist" professor at Rutgers University, was detained by NYPD and taken to a psychiatric ward for an evaluation after posting a tweet in which he threatened to "buy a gun and start shooting atrandom (sic) white people."

When not tweeting racist threats, Allred is best known for teaching a course called "Politicizing Beyonce," which is an examination of politics through the lens of the black feminist pop star Beyonce Knowles (Why Rutgers hired a gay white male to be the interpreter of black feminism is insanity in-and-of itself). The result of their Marxist experiment is that they have an unstable lunatic lecturing on their campus. A person who uses the platform Rutgers provides to gather an audience to espouse his hatred for "Whiteness," which is ultimately just a hatred of himself. Everything about this guy screams "I hate myself and I'm batshit crazy!" The excessive tattoos and bizarre haircuts to disguise himself. The boastful homosexuality (flamboyantly flaunting his elimination from the gene pool). The atheism (It's God's fault). The hatred for his own heritage and culture. He epitomizes all the traits of the modern day self-loathing White liberal.

Rutgers had to know this dude was nuts. Just look at him and listen to what this weirdo has to say? Read his freaking tweets, for Christ's sake. He's a vehement anti-White racist! And to give Allred a pass on his anti-Whiteness just because he is White is absurd. Being White doesn't exclude one from being anti-White. Did Bobby Fischer's Jewishness prevent him from being an anti-Semite? This leads me to conclude that Rutgers was willing to sacrifice their integrity as a respectable institution of education to propagate their cultural Marxist agenda. I don't see how it can be deciphered in any other way. They knew he was unstable, yet they hired him anyway. Are there any criteria that Rutgers places above diversity? Here are a few of his tweets from last week:

This isn't just a random anti-White queer, this is a professor in academia. What if he were saying this stuff about black people? Or Asians? Or illegals? Or gays? Or women? This whacko is just full of hate, and the only people he can openly spew his hatred against are heterosexual White Christians. If he even vaguely spewed that kind of rhetoric about any of the "marginalized" groups afore mentioned, the entitlement entourage would be marching to the Dean's office and he would be terminated immediately. You and I both know that to be fact.

It's professors like Allred that are shaping the minds of the youth. The same youth who grow up to elect the future leaders of their society. Research has shown time-and-time again that conformity is human nature. Sure, there are those who are going to make the case that if you don't like what Allred is teaching you don't have to take his course. Or that he is the exception to the rule, and one bad apple doesn't make the whole orchard rotten. But if that's your stance, you're not getting the point. During these tolerant times, when academia gives various groups of people "safe spaces" to protect their feelings from being hurt, how is it that such vehement anti-White rhetoric is tolerated in the very realm in which bigotry is so despised?  

There are some in the pro-White Right or Alt-Right who have made the argument that since White America has elected Trump, the PWR is now in the position of establishment as opposed to that of an insurgency. I disagree. The establishment constitutes four sectors of a society: government, academia, media and finance. The Right, and more importantly the PWR, doesn't control any of those sectors, perhaps excluding the upper echelon of government (and Trump hasn't even taken office yet, so any commentary on his reign is premature). Remember, almost all of the Senate and House Republicans are career cuckservatives. Trump says he's going to "drain the swamp," but that still remains to be seen. So, we'll put an asterisk beside government (*to be determined).

Anybody who is reading this and has ever turned on a television knows who butters the media's bread. Trump's election practically brought them to tears. They tried with all their might to sway public opinion. And what was one of their primary tactics? To reference their little brother, Academia: Trump's main supporters are "uneducated white people." In other words, White people who haven't been subjected to years of the establishment's anti-White indoctrination courtesy of teachers like Kevin Allred. Because if they had been, they wouldn't be ignorant and therefore would have voted for Her and not some misogynist, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, racist, homophobic douche bag, right?

Then you have finance, which you better believe they have an interest (literally) in your children attending college and incurring $100K in student loan debt. And as anyone who has a familiarity with student loans will attest, it's virtually impossible to default on loan repayment. It's not like a house or car where you just file bankruptcy or tell them to come pick it up. They're gonna get their money, with interest! There's only a couple ways to get out of repayment: join the military, full disability or death.

The establishment power process in a democracy: academia indoctrinates the society. The media reinforces said indoctrination with 24/7/365 propaganda. Politicians run their campaigns based on the indoctrinated and propagated social norms. All three collude with (((greedy financiers))). 

The only thing most White kids get out of college are hangovers, STD's and debt. Unless your child is an aspiring doctor or lawyer, do yourself, your children and the future of America a favor: Don't send your kids to college!

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