Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hail Trump! Hail Spencer! Fuck Lying Liberals!

Liberals have been triggered by Richard Spencer's recent speech at the NPI conference in which he exuberantly exclaimed, "Hail Trump! Hail Our People! Hail Victory!" About five people in the audience were recorded giving the Roman salute (imagine the frenzy if the entire crowd would have partook... maybe next year, huh Richard? -wink, wink). Trump is a step in the right direction, but nobody in the Alt-Right views him as the reincarnation of Der Fuehrer. Yet nonetheless, Spencer's mockery of #LiberalLogic invoked outrage from the lugenpresse and their lemmings. The NPI conference was a private formal gathering put on for paying attendees of like-mind. A think-tank of intellectuals presenting ideas while engaging in camaraderie. If you don't like their message, don't pay to attend the conference. Simple common sense, right?

For some reason, the Left becomes hysterical when a group of people not ideologically on the same page with them decides to assemble (even if in private). A radical group of ANTIFA's protested the event and assaulted a male and female who ventured into the crowd with a camera and attempted to ask questions as to why they were so angry. They carried signs and chanted slogans like, "Refugees are welcome here!", "No Donald Trump. No KKK. No fascist USA," and "Fuck White Supremacy." These violent radicals are so disgusting they carry around bottles of their shit and urine to spray on people who don't think the same as they do. But you'll never hear them complain about 90% of all interracial crime being black-on-white. Or that 40 million third-worlders have illegally entered the country and have taken American jobs, leached off the welfare systems and reintroduced communicable diseases that at one time had been eradicated in the U.S. That doesn't bother them in the least. If anything, they encourage rapefugees to enter White countries.

Their message is that of tolerance, but they are intolerant of a group of people holding a peaceful conference. They shame people for shaming. They name-call those who name-call. They hate those who hate. There is absolutely zero rationality in their mindset. I've said for years that hypocrisy always has an agenda, and it's either ignorance or hatred. #LiberalLogic is the hatred of hate: The liberal's hypocritical behavior is projected hatred of self upon those deemed responsible for their self-hatred. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. These people are anything but indifferent, they're just hateful! Their one true love is hatred. Think of it like this: If you ever want to know who shit their pants, say "damn, someone shit their pants" and look for the first person to point their finger. The lugenpresse and their readers perpetually point the finger of hatred... 

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