Thursday, December 9, 2021

Canada Is One Step Closer to Making Heterosexuality Illegal

Canada on Wednesday banned conversion therapy, which are treatments that claim to be able to change a person's sexual orientation or identity.

The law makes it a crime to subject a person of any age, consenting or not, to such treatment.

So-called conversion therapies rely on the assumption that sexual orientation can be changed or "cured" -- an idea discredited by major medical associations in the US, the UK and elsewhere.

It's often performed by religious leaders, but licensed clinicians are also engaged in the practice.

The Canadian bill makes "providing, promoting, or advertising conversion therapy" a criminal offense, the Senate of Canada said on Twitter. It will also be an offense to profit from the provision of conversion therapy.

In addition, the bill states a person cannot remove a "child from Canada with the intention that the child undergo conversion therapy outside Canada." The Criminal Code violations will go into effect 30 days after the bill received the Royal Assent on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hailed the Royal Assent, which is granted by the Governor General of Canada.

"It's official: Our government's legislation banning the despicable and degrading practice of conversion therapy has received Royal Assent -- meaning it is now law," he wrote on Twitter. "LGBTQ2 Canadians, we'll always stand up for you and your rights."

"LGBTQ2" is the acronym used by the Canadian government, with the "2" referring to Two-Spirit, "a culturally-specific identity used by some Indigenous people to indicate a person whose gender identity, spiritual identity and/or sexual orientation comprises both male and female spirits," according to the government's glossary of terminology. 


So, let's get this straight: it's illegal to change a person's sexual orientation if they're gay, but encouraged if they're straight? How does that makes sense to anyone who isn't stupid?

In Trudeau's Canada, if Tom wants to become Tina, or worship the brown eye... that's perfect! Let's pridefully celebrate with rainbow flags and parades. But, if Tom doesn't like that he wants to be Tina, or lust over poop shoots, and he wants to get some therapy..... that's terrible! And now it's also illegal and punishable by jail time. Even if Tom decides to go out of the country to work on his problems, he will be charged with a crime. 

In Canada, mental illness and sexual degeneracy are core values.

Remember: hypocrisy always has an agenda. 

So the question becomes: but why?

The answer is obvious. Canadians don't need reproductive families, so they've decided to reject God and align themselves with Satan as an effective approach to population control.

The middle class has always existed for a reason. Kings needed armies. Factories needed workers. Governments needed taxes. But, the nuclear weapon eliminated the need for armies. Automation has eliminated the need for the working class. And the transfer of almost all the world's wealth to a tiny fraction of elites has eliminated the need for taxes. Therefore, the middle class has become obsolete. 

Anyone who thinks Trudeau is just a great guy who cares so much about sodomites and schizophrenics is most likely a sodomite or schizophrenic. If Trudeau really cared about those people he would do the exact opposite of what he's doing. He would make therapy mandatory and flamboyant homosexuality illegal.

But, like the rest of the elites, Trudeau is a sociopath who has sold his soul to Satan as a method to enforce his agenda. 

To recap: western liberalism is the de facto ideology of elites who want to depopulate the planet. These are evil people masquerading themselves as virtuous ideologues who care about humanity. When in fact, they hate humanity so much that they have aligned themselves with the father of lies (Satan) to subliminally manipulate humans into destroying themselves by using social-engineered psyop methods to encourage people to become gay/tranny/feminist/liberal so that they ultimately don't reproduce. 

Work it out in your head. Think about it. This isn't hard to figure out once you understand that these people are liars who worship the father of lies:

John 8:44 - For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.

We are in a spiritual war. If you can't see that, open your eyes! Or at least open your Bible.


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