Monday, December 27, 2021

Science! has Come up With a Miraculous Cure for Obesity: Wire Your Mouth Shut

University of Otago and UK researchers have developed a world-first weight-loss device to help fight the global obesity epidemic.

DentalSlim Diet Control is an intra-oral device fitted by a dental professional to the upper and lower back teeth. It uses magnetic devices with unique custom-manufactured locking bolts. It allows the wearer to open their mouths only about 2mm, restricting them to a liquid diet, but it allows free speech and doesn’t restrict breathing.

Participants in a Dunedin-based trial lost an average of 6.36kg in two weeks and were motivated to continue with their weight loss journey.

Lead researcher, University of Otago Health Sciences Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Brunton says the device will be an effective, safe, and affordable tool for people battling obesity. It is fitted by a dentist, can be released by the user in the case of an emergency and can be repeatedly fitted and removed.

Recent studies revealed 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 650 million are obese and being overweight or obese results in about 2.8 million deaths a year. It is estimated about 57 percent of the world’s adult population will be overweight or obese by 2030.

We should all be extremely grateful that the elites care so much about our health.

They only fatten us up with poison because they care about us. Just like a farmer cares about his cattle.

They've poisoned us with processed foods, GMOs, plastics, sodas and fast food for the last 50 years, to the point that 3 million people are dying annually. 

Now, thanks to Science!, you now have the option of wiring your mouth shut with magnets so you don't overfeed yourself with toxic sludge. But don't worry! You can still drink your candy bar and soda through a straw. 

Just another spectacular innovation of utopianism. Like Oxycontin. And Suboxone. And Narcan.

It's interesting to ponder how the obesity pandemic has impacted the healthcare system. It's also interesting to ponder why the people who care so much about us allow corporations to make billions in profits off of poisoning people. Then those same corporations use those profits to undermine the social fabric of America.

Is it just random chance that every single one of these mega-corporations who made billions from poisoning Americans invest those profits in anti-White/anti-American causes? 

What am I talking about? I'm starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist or something. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.

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