Friday, June 3, 2022

America Has Devolved Into A Low-Trust Society

The official narrative of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has changed drastically since news of an active shooter at the school emerged on May 24. Authorities have repeatedly corrected official statements, after they were contradicted by new information.

"There's been a lot of things that have been said — some are correct, some are incorrect," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said at a news conference one day after the shooting. Just days later, Abbott said he himself had been "misled" about the police response to the shooting.

He wasn't alone. The shifting details deepen the pain and outrage inflicted by the tragedy in Uvalde, which left 19 children and two teachers dead, and 17 wounded. When they shared news about the investigation, Abbott and others did say their information was preliminary. But the inconsistencies rocked public faith in the police and other institutions, when people were looking to them for reliable information and accountability.

Why do tragedies come with an "official narrative"? 

Shouldn't tragedies just be tragic? 

Narrative implies spinning a story, or attempting to get the masses to react to a tragedy in a unified way in order to push an agenda. So when "Here Are The Biggest Shifts In The Official Account of the Uvalde School Shooting" is one of the top headline news stories of the day, you know the social engineers are doing some kind of damage control in which their narrative isn't the "official narrative."

America has devolved into a low-trust society, which effectively makes it the type of place that "migrants" flee from when they seek to illegally enter the U.S. for a better life. 

The establishment is in a bad spot. That's what happens when you repeatedly tell lies while calling everyone who disagrees with your lies a "liar." 

We learned about this type of behavior as children, with fables like Pinocchio and the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Trust is earned, and nobody trusts a liar.

In fact, there is so little trust in the mainstream information systems that Google has a "fact check" side bar to their headline news, which always supports the "official narrative." Isn't that rather odd, that the "fact checkers" never contradict the "official" narrators? 

Look at the top headlines for today's "fact check" section:

Those "fact checks" epitomize America in many ways. 

The average American has come to the realization that every "tragedy" comes with an "official narrative" that is usually not only contradictory to the truth, but supports an agenda.

So when tragedies become the garden of political power, it's only natural for people to question the origin of the tragedy. Particularly when the system and its "fact checkers" are known liars with an agenda.

At this point, those who still have trust in the "official narrative" are those who fully support the "official narrative" (i.e. conformists without any critical thinking skills). Like people who wear masks while driving down the highway by themselves in their car. Or those who parrot propaganda like "diversity is our strength." 

Furthermore, everybody loses in a low-trust society. It's just as bad for the liars as it is for those being lied to. Imagine having complete control of the information systems in a society and nobody believes your information. So they try to combat that distrust with heavy state-sponsored censorship, which effectively makes the problem exponentially worse. 

Trust is earned by telling the truth, not doubling-down on lies. Apparently the shape-shifters haven't figured that out yet, which means they aren't very smart. 

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