So-called "gender-affirming surgery" could lead to potentially dangerous mental health effects, a new study has found.
Transgender individuals face "heightened psychological distress," including depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, "partly due to stigma and lack of gender affirmation," as stated in the study, which was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Researchers from the University of Texas set out to determine the mental health impacts from transgender people who underwent "gender-affirming surgery."
They determined rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and substance-use disorders were "significantly higher" among those who underwent surgery, assessed two years later.
Males with surgery had depression rates of 25% compared to males without surgery (11.5%). Anxiety rates among that group were 12.8% compared to 2.6%.
Jonathan Alpert, a Manhattan-based psychotherapist and author, said the study findings highlight the "often overlooked" psychological risks that accompany gender-affirming surgery.
"While these surgeries can be critical in helping individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity, they are not a cure-all for the mental health challenges many transgender individuals face," Alpert, who was not involved in the study, told Fox News Digital.
"These findings suggest that surgery alone doesn’t eliminate the complex psychological burdens that stem from societal stigma and personal struggles with identity," he went on.
"In fact, taking a scalpel to treat a psychological disorder can sometimes lead to more issues, as the study results are elucidating."
This is ground-breaking news. I mean, srsly. Who would've thought that a man paying someone to surgically remove his penis would result in depression? Or even thought that he might have a mental illness at all? The system has repeatedly told people that it's perfectly normal for a man to have his penis surgically removed if society has convinced him that he is actually a woman trapped in a man's body.
Shame on society for manipulating these disturbed people. They are obviously unwell, yet sociopathic doctors, fueled by greed, are cutting men's penises off for money when they know how wrong it is.
This is why the bible says:
1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil
I've often said that the entire homosexual agenda is a state-sponsored eugenics program. It's really easy to see once you see it.
I'm also the author of the trans/sociopath overlap theory, in which I present the case that there is overwhelming evidence that supports the correlation between transgenderism and sociopathy.
Nonetheless, no healthy society would want their citizens to mutilate themselves, or manipulate their mentally ill citizens into self-mutilation. Why would anyone do that?
Either they're evil, and playing some kind of sick game with the mentally ill, or they've engaged in cryptoeugenics in the hopes of manipulating the gene pool.
If you haven't read my paper on depopulation, you should.
"Guilt" isn't something that we are taught. It is something innate and inherit within the framework of our DNA. More particularly, our genetic memory.
We can't be told to feel guilty, and then suddenly feel guilt. Feelings aren't like that. They are completely internally composed, not externally manipulated. Even if your feelings are manipulated by external influences, it's because your consciousness has experienced whatever it is that invokes emotion.
The reason we experience guilt (and the reason some don't), is because our genetic memory sends signals of guilt when we sin. Those signals are genetic and spiritual reminders of the torture that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ endured on the cross.
Every time we sin, guilt arises from the fact that God in the form of a man was tortured for those sins. We are wretched sinners who often take our sin for granted, which is where the feelings of guilt come from. It's literally God reminding you what he did for you. The idea is to release you from sin by forgiveness, yet we continually live a life of sin knowing that God shed his blood on the cross for that sin.
Furthermore, the DNA of Christ runs through the veins of his lineage. This is why the Bible so accurately records ancestry. If you're an Israelite, not only the spirit of the Lord is within your soul and consciousness, but his DNA resides in your genetic makeup. Those two things combine for not only your feelings of guilt, but your desire for repentance and forgiveness. Why else would you feel guilty and want to be relieved of that guilt? It's certainly not from drowning while crossing the seas, dying from famine or being killed in battle (although those things can also invoke genetic memory; e.g. the smell of the ocean, love of a certain food, etc).
Genetic memory is as real as cognitive memory. When you sin, if God's blood runs through your veins (or he has chosen to have mercy on you spiritually), you're reminded of his sacrifice. This is why you feel such guilt for your sin. And why you seek forgiveness from those sins. And why God in the form of a man came to bear that burden of sin for you, because he knows this is how he calls his lost sheep.
Matthew 15:24: I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.
Thank you God for sending your only son to be tortured physically for our sins so that we might be free from guilt by repenting and seeking eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. Although it is so terrible that we have to take comfort in our transgression by another's suffering, we know you did that because you loved us before the beginning of time.
Who were the 10 lost tribes of Israel? What happened to them?
Christian Identity is often thought of as a "racist" denominational sect of Christianity, but it's actually just a migration theory claiming the Israelites migrated through the Caucasus mountains (Caucasian) and became the nations of Europe, and thus are the inheritors of the covenant. It's not a religion, per se. In fact, one could be atheist and still adhere to the the concept of Christian Identity.
The relevance of this migration theory (with regard to Christianity) is that God made a covenant (Genesis 12 and 15) with a specific group of people, extending through the seedline of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Bible is written to, for and about this group of people. It seems rather important to know who those people are.
The above video provides some clarity on that subject.
I'll be the first to admit, I don't watch much TV. And when I do, it's usually some kind of true crime documentary, like 20/20 or something. I've always had a hard time watching fantasy stuff, or action shows where a person can predict the ending by the time they are age 5 (spoiler alert: the main character always wins).
Last night I was bored and thought I'd watch some TV. I opted for the latest episode of 20/20 titled, The Pointe of No Return. This detailed the events surrounding the murder of a man by his wife. Again, I'm not much for keeping up with this kind of stuff, so I wasn't familiar with it, but it appeared that this was somewhat of a national story at the time it happened.
There were a few points of interest that I thought I'd write about.
When programs like 20/20 does a show like this, they are obviously in the business of getting people to watch, not passing judgement. But to me, it was rather obvious this woman was a complete psychopath.
However, this gets back to a concept I have perpetually contemplated, being "truth is perception." I have absolutely no doubt that many people would disagree with my "psychopath" diagnosis of this woman, as there were people marching on her behalf during the trial.
I also have very little doubt that if the gender roles were reversed in this case, the man would have likely got the death penalty. The level of premeditation by this woman was astounding.
The show ended before sentencing, but I looked it up and she ended up getting 20 years after being convicted of a lesser charge of manslaughter.
Early on the jury came back and said they couldn't reach a verdict, which tells me that there was a feminist holdout who didn't see how psychopathic this woman was (or they did, and didn't care, because they were convinced the man deserved it). How could someone not see that? If you watch the show, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Furthermore, the defense called an "expert" witness who testified that the victim exhibited all the traits of an alpha male. Similarly to how social engineering has used "racism" to vilify whiteness, feminism has done the same to masculinity.
She literally shot her husband 4 times (missed twice) at close range because he allegedly slapped her. And there are lots of people who believe that she was justified. The only people who could actually work through the mental gymnastics of that are just feminist misandrists. They hate men. Period.
Feminism is this idea of equality, yet this psychopathic killer only got 20 years because she is a female. That's inequality.
I have wrote quite a bit about the woman question, not as a critique of women in general, but with regard to their role in the social hierarchy within the status quo in relation to power (i.e. feminism).
It's really such a sad situation. The "black swan" killed the father of her child, and the father of his child with another woman who had already passed away. It's one of the saddest shows I have seen and I just can't imagine the level of psychopathy that exists within certain individuals in the world.
God bless the children involved in this terrible situation.
The NFL will remove the words "End Racism" from the end zones at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans ahead of the Super Bowl on Sunday, the NFL confirmed to NBC News.
Instead, the field will have stencils of the phrase "Choose Love" as the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Philadelphia Eagles, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement Tuesday.
Throughout the 2024-25 season, NFL teams have advertised pro-diversity slogans at their stadiums and on their uniforms. The field stencils have been a part of the league since 2020, McCarthy said.
"Teams have used on the field this year 'Vote,' 'End Racism,' 'Stop Hate,' and 'Choose Love.' This is part of the NFL’s Inspire Change," he said.
At their conference championship games on Jan. 26, the Chiefs had "Choose Love" in their end zone and the Eagles had "End Racism."
The NFL said Tuesday that it would have stenciling only of the phrase "Choose Love." Sunday's game will be the first Super Bowl since February 2021 at which "End Racism" will not be in an end zone stencil.
We are witnessing more and more "reversion of change" within the status quo, which I have talked about quite a bit recently. This phenomenon has been accelerated by the Trump nomination. We are slowly getting back to normalcy.
Being anti-racist is just being anti-white.
The social engineers who propagate things like "end racism" are explicitly and exclusively targeting white people. The want to install white guilt to change the demographics of America. And they don't just want demographic change, they want white genocide.
It's nice to see society rejecting the anti-white's #1 weapon used to promote white genocide. These people aren't dumb, they know the Overton window has shifted and calling white people "racist" just isn't effective anymore (Btw, the "R word" is just the "N word" for white people.). So they are going back to their roots and switching back to "love" and other propaganda that appeals to emotions. This is exactly what made the civil rights movement of the 60s so successful. They learned these tactics (which activists like MLK and Rosa Parks were students and taught) at the Frankfurt School.
It's time to put an end to white guilt, acknowledge white innovation and stop white genocide!
I recently wrote about UFC Bryce Mitchell being based due to him stating publicly that he would like to go fishing with Hitler.
This last weekend I watched Israel Adesanya get KO'd, and that sparked a couple of bold UFC predictions that I thought I'd share:
1. Israel Adesanya will never win another UFC fight.
2. Colby Covington will never win another UFC fight.
3. Conor McGregor will never win another UFC fight.
4. Kamaru Usman will never win another UFC fight.
5. Robert Whitaker will never win another UFC fight.
Some might look at these predictions and think that are either BS or easy to make, but everyone of these men are former champions and none are older than their mid 30s.
Bryce, a high level UFC fighter, started his podcast Arkansanity out with a bang when he said he would love to go fishing with Hitler. And that all Hitler wanted to do was kick out the greedy Jews and queers.
Shoutout to Dana for allowing free speech. It's literally the only organization left in the world that isn't feelings-based.
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Hitler, but anyone who has been demonized as much as him has to be examined more closely. I assume that if Nazis controlled the media, Hitler wouldn't be viewed in the same light.
I believe it was Goering when he was at Nuremburg that said, "Victors write the history books."
My personal opinion about WW2 is that it was the biggest act of human eugenics in modernity (if not ever). Think about it from an evolutionary perspective: all the best Germans were killed, and all the worst Jews were killed. I shouldn't have to point this out, but I will anyway: "best" and "worst" not in a moral or judgmental sense, but in terms of status, traits, intelligence, etc. All the Einstein's were long gone by the time the they started rounding the Jews up in the ghettos.
Nonetheless, the Overton window has shifted. If you haven't been on X lately, go check it out. It reads like Stormfront did 15 years ago.
Kudos to Bryce for not being afraid to speak his mind. It's always been super weird to me that people get so caught up in what someone they don't even know says. Who cares if someone hypothetically would go fishing with a dead person from history? Just stay in your own lane.
President Donald Trump addressed reporters during a live briefing on Thursday, Jan. 30, regarding the deadly American Airlines collision with a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter over Washington, D.C.
On the evening of Jan. 29, AA Flight 5342 collided with a Black Hawk helicopter over the Potomac River as the passenger flight approached Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The crash, which involved three soldiers on the helicopter and 64 people on the airplane, is believed to be the most deadly aircraft incident since 2001.
During the press conference, Trump, 78, called the accident "a real tragedy" and "a tragedy of terrible proportions." He then made claims that the government's diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies and the mental health of employees were to blame before eventually getting into a heated exchange with reporters in the room during a Q&A.
"FAA's diversity push includes focus on hiring people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities," the president said. "And then it says, FAA says people with severe disabilities are most underrepresented segment of the workforce. And they want 'em in and they want them, they can be air traffic controllers. I don't think so."
He then said that the "FAA is actively recruiting workers who suffer severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiatives spelled out on the agency's website."
He then went on to say that "you need a very special talent and a very special genius to be able to [do the job of an air traffic controller]" and that the FAA's diversity and inclusion hiring did not ensure safe and efficient travel. "I don't think so. I don't think so," he said.
This is a continuum of my Reversion of Change series of recent. The concept being that social change was engineered by people with an anti-white agenda, and consequently we have seen a drastic decline in American exceptionalism.
What President Trump is doing is attempting to reverse "change" and restore American exceptionalism by doing away with the silly propaganda of Marxists who put this idea in the social sphere that everyone is the exact same.
American exceptionalism isn't an idea, it's the merit of a people blessed by God.
For years, rationally-minded people have known that diversity is a subversive pogrom designed to implement white genocide.
To be honest, it hasn't even been that "subversive," they've told us for years, as Ms Goldstein pointed out back in 2015.
But, thankfully, we have a president who is America first. Who wants to reverse the trend of white genocide.
The single biggest threat to America, is the genocide of Americans.
At the signing of the Laken Riley Act, President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he is directing the opening of a detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to hold up to 30,000 migrants who are living illegally in the United States and cannot be deported to their home countries.
“We’re going to send them out to Guantanamo,” the president said in the White House East Room. He did not elaborate.
The U.S. military base has been used to house detainees from the U.S. war on terrorism.
The Laken Riley Act was described by Trump as a “landmark law” and “tremendous tribute” to the slain Georgia nursing student for whom it is named. The law mandates that people in the U.S. illegally who are accused of theft and violent crimes be detained and potentially deported, even before a conviction.
Laken Riley, 22, went out for a run in February 2024 and was killed by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan national who was in the country illegally. Ibarra was found guilty in November and sentenced to life without parole.
Yesterday I wrote a post titled Reversion of Change in which I highlighted how "change" is essentially a pendulum of revolutionary anti-power.
For years, illegal aliens have flooded the country (mostly due to capitalism, not idealism) and changed the culture due to the change in demographics.
Reasoning should always be viewed as an onion. Personally, the foundation of social reasoning comes down to demographics. America is a people, not an idea.
This isn't to moralize non-Americans, it's just a fact.
A big problem within conservative circles is that they have succumbed to liberal indoctrination (again, not moralizing, just a fact) to think that the foundational problem isn't demographics, it's merit or whatever they think.
For them, they could care less if America was 90% Haitian, as long as they voted Republican and spoke English.
The relevance of this is what you see going on with the Trump administration. In order to save America (MAGA), America has to be populated by Americans. Again, this isn't some blanketed statement of bigotry, it's just what it is. If you wanted to stop Navajo genocide, you would stop flooding Navajo lands with non-Navajo people. It's really not that complicated. But leftists have subverted the conversation by moralizing it in a way that if you are white (American) and want your country to remain American (white) you're a bad person. This is the entire reason that words like "racist" have been seeded in the political sphere by social engineers with an anti-white agenda.
A lot of right-wingers have been negative about Trump. A lot in part because he didn't do a lot of the things he said he was going to do in 2016. Along with his views on Israel. But, nobody (especially a politician) is going to be perfect and check every box that you want them too.
What Trump is doing thus far is as good as you could ask for if you're an American who voted for him with the idea of MAGA.
Several years ago I wrote a paper titled The Reversion of Change. I can't seem to find that piece archived anywhere, as it was before I started this blog.
The principle idea in the piece is that change always comes full circle, and we are seeing that play out before our eyes currently.
The Trump administration (and I think public opinion in general) has decided that social change wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Now we are rewinding the clock 10 to 15 years and returning to the status quo. The problem wherein comes with demographics. Demographic change has been a driving force within the political landscape. So, while we rewind socially, we won't rewind demographically.
I authored a book titled Vengeance is Ours back in 2018. You can read a summary of it in the sidebar of the blog. The premise of the book was how revolutionary types perpetually swing the pendulum of power. Revolutionaries aren't idealists, per se, other than the fact that are just in opposition to those wielding the fist of power.
These revolutionary types swing the pendulum back and forth, and this is what we are seeing now with the reversion of change. Revolutionaries installed "change" and now that "change" has become the iron fist of power, revolutionary-types rebel against that power structure.
The current groups feeling the brunt of this pushback are Jews, transgenders and blacks, whereas before it was all whites. The interesting dynamic within this paradigm is that all of those groups (excluding Jews) are used as a spearpoint by TPTB to prod society in order to create division.
Transgenders and blacks have both been propped up by society, and when things begin to crumble the facade of power they thought they had as a "protected group" or whatever will dissipate rapidly.
This is just to say that they won't sit atop the moral mountain of public opinion, thus in a sense be silenced or shunned into indifference.
It looks like Trump has learned from his mistakes during his first tenure and is going to do his best to MAGA.
Amazing Grace is the perfect Christian hymn. It highlights God's grace, which we wretched sinners did absolutely nothing to deserve.
I know I've cited the following quote from Knowing God before, but I feel it's worth repeating:
Knowing God is a matter of grace. Grace came first. We know God by faith because he first singled us out by grace.
The concept of eternal salvation is so glorious. Those God chose to have grace on, he chose before the beginning of time.
Galatians 1:15 But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace
All we can do as Christians is to seek God's grace through faith. Well, that's not all we can do, but our faith must be in God's grace. God knew us before we were born, and at that time determined our fate.
Amos 5:4 For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live
Jesus most important commandment is to love God with all your heart and soul. He explains how to do that be commanding that you love your neighbor as yourself.
Luke 10:27 So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
In Leviticus "neighbor" is defined as "the children of my people."
Pretty sure everyone has known all along that the COVID outbreak was due to a lab leak, just like what we saw in the form of entertainment years earlier in the movie Contagion:
The CIA is now favoring the "lab leak theory" after new analysis:
The CIA has changed its assessment on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, now favoring the lab leak theory. Under its new director, John Ratcliffe, the agency released an assessment on the origins of COVID-19.
Analysts made the assessment with "low confidence" despite former CIA director Bill Burns, who remained agnostic on the origins, telling the agency it needed to look at the existing evidence again and come down on one side or the other.
It's interesting that the agency was instructed to "come down on one side or the other." It seems rather obvious that they just don't know. In fact, how could anyone really "know" the origin, unless it was some kind of conspiracy, or unless someone actually had knowledge of it? It's weird that they are just supposed to pick a side and go with it, as if that we resolidify the trust of the American people.
There was nothing more enlightening in my lifetime than the COVID pandemic. The devolving of trust within the system eroded so rapidly that it's unreal.
Everything from rolling out a transgender man in a dress telling us how to stay healthy, to the most vaccinated state having the most COVID cases, to people masking alone in their car going down the highway, to Wal Mart (and others) encouraging social distancing by shortening their stores hours and closing one of their entrances, and the list goes one.
The level of incompetence by TBTB was exhilarating. It was literally the movie Idiocracy in real life:
In just a couple of years we devolved into a low-trust society. Nobody trusts the establishment. That's kinda what make a 3rd world country a 3rd world country (low-trust).
I concluded that either the system is collectively dumb as a bag of rocks, or there is something nefarious going on, such as depopulation.
Speaking of depopulation, I wrote a paper titled Depopulation for Dummies that has been read by millions of people. If you haven't read it, you should.
Trump pardoned Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, which is an interesting decision.
Ulbricht was essentially an online drug kingpin, who also allegedly solicited a murder-for-hire plot. He was sentenced to two life sentences without the possibility of parole, plus 40 years (not sure how that makes sense, they obviously didn't want him to ever get out).
Ross William Ulbricht (/ˈʊlbrɪkt/; born March 27, 1984) is an American who created and operated the darknet market website Silk Road from 2011 until his arrest in 2013. He was imprisoned from 2013 until January 2025, when he received a full pardon from U.S. President Donald Trump.
Silk Road operated as a hidden service on the Tor network and facilitated the sale of narcotics and other illegal products and services. Ulbricht ran the site under the pseudonym "Dread Pirate Roberts", after the fictional character from The Princess Bride.
In October 2013, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested Ulbricht and took Silk Road offline. In 2015, he was convicted of engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise, distributing narcotics by means of the internet, conspiracy to commit money laundering, conspiracy to traffic fraudulent identity documents, and conspiracy to commit computer hacking. He was sentenced to double life in prison plus 40 years without the possibility of parole. Ulbricht's appeals to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 2017 and the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018 were unsuccessful.
Federal prosecutors alleged that Ulbricht had paid $730,000 in murder-for-hire deals targeting at least five people, because they purportedly threatened to reveal the Silk Road enterprise.
I recently wrote about Biden's decision to commute all but three of the federal death sentences to life. In that piece, I was addressing the hypocrisy of wanting to abolish the death penalty, except in certain cases. My position is: either you're for the death penalty, or you're not. Stating that certain cases warrant the death penalty just means you are pro-death penalty, which is fine, but don't parade this idea that you're anti-death penalty.
Regarding Ross' pardon, it's an interesting maneuver by the Trump administration. I watched the movie Silk Road, which was good. And I certainly think Ross is an interesting person, but let's face it, he is a high level criminal. It wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing.
I'm certainly not here to "cast the first stone," nobody is perfect. But there are consequences to actions. We all know that. What I find interesting is that you would expect the Biden administration to be the one that would have pardoned him, not Trump. Trump (and republicans in general) are supposed to be the "law and order" party. Dems are more of the "laws are oppressive" team.
I think the problem with these pardons, is it becomes somewhat of a popularity contest. There is no doubt that there are people doing more time, or who have harsher sentences, that did way less. But because nobody knows who they are, nobody cares.
I don't care that Ross got pardoned, but there just seems to be more to the story. Why didn't Biden pardon him? Ross is a libertarian folk hero, not a conservative. Ross is the antithesis of a republican. He would be that guy on the internet posting about how much of white supremacist Trump and his republican cronies are. It just seems odd.
Furthermore, how long till Ross is back in the game? I wonder how much BTC/XMR he as stashed.
Oh well. Enjoy your freedom, Ross. You're a lucky guy. And don't hesitate to hmu, I'd love to do an interview with you.
I'd don't particularly care for the "you don't have to go to church to be a Christian," argument, because for the most part I think it's an excuse not to go to church. However, I'm not going to take up that debate with anyone, that's between them and God. Plus, there is an argument to be made against many modern churches.
Personally, I don't think denomination matters at all. I mean, relatively speaking. But even in denominations that have obviously strayed from orthodox Christianity, I think there is more good than bad. And from a personal standpoint, you go to church to worship God, not the church. The church's soul isn't up for salvation, yours is. Your time at church should be between you and God, not you and the church.
There aren't any perfect churches, and so for this reason I do understand the argument of "I don't go to church, but I'm a Christian." Particularly some of these churches that have swayed so far left that you wonder if they are actually even promoting God. Afterall, liberalism is the god of the godless.
A case in point is the Episcopal church. I have attended an Episcopal church off-and-on for the last 15 years. I enjoy the service, and I think there is a lot of history and tradition within the church that is fundamentally Christian. But it never fails, after a period of time attending, the church will display some overt liberalism that doesn't belong in the church, and I'll quit attending (the priest once edited the words of Christ cause it was critical of Jews).
I should note some points of interest about the Episcopal church (I was once asked what church I attended, and when I said "Episcopal" the gentleman looked at me oddly and asked, "Why?").
The Episcopal church was a part of the church of England until the American Revolution.
Membership within the Episcopal church is associated with elite affluence/influence.
These aren't the reasons I attended the church, but they didn't hurt, either (I wasn't raised Episcopal, so this is why I bring this up.). All churches have issues. So I chose to overlook some of the liberal stuff, and just focus on giving an hour a week to God. To me, that what church attendance is all about. God gives you everything, at least you can give him an hour of your week. That's why I don't think denomination matters. I think it's behavior, prayer, repentance, faith, and most importantly, grace (without God's grace, nothing else matters).
Speaking of grace, there is a quote from the book Knowing God that I really like:
Knowing God is a matter of grace. Grace came first. We know God by faith because he first singled us out by grace.
Needless to say, it's very hard to attend a church that openly defies Christian fundamentals as much as the Episcopal church does. There church is 90% affluent Whites, yet they have this weird obsession with Blacks, gays and women (i.e. liberalism).
Scripture is very clear about women preachers, yet who is "preaching" to Trump (and the nation) on his inauguration day? A woman. And it's all just liberal gibberish and virtue signaling. Nothing scripture based.
Speaking of scripture, let's cite the scriptures to see what they say:
1 Timothy 2:12-13 ESV “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve;”
I just can't attend a church that uses women to promote criminality, transgenderism and white genocide in the name of God. That's called blasphemy.
However, I do encorage you, dear reader, to pray daily. Repent. Seek God. Read the Bible daily. Attend some church at least on Sunday for an hour. And give all glory to God. Beg him for not only mercy, but forgiveness and grace.
Someone close to me has a relative that is a transgender. He is a male that transitioned into a female. I knew him before he became a she. He knows I write, and I'm analytical. When I attempted to start a conversation with the stereotypical "sure has been cold lately," he said that if I wanted to ask questions about his transition, I could (this was the first time I'd seen him in years).
As my long time readers know (perhaps some of you became readers because of it), I wrote a rather popular, yet controversial piece titled, The Trans/Sociopath Overlap back in 2017. In this piece, I theorized that there was a large overlap between transgenderism and sociopathy, based on my research. At that time there were 1.4 million that identified as transgender in the USA.
In the paper, I made a rather simple prediction:
The following prediction almost seems to easy: Five years from now, at least 2.8 million people will identify as “transgender.” But will there really be that many more people held hostage in the opposite sex's body? Or will the vast majority be sociopaths disguised as “transtrenders” doing their part to unweave the moral fabric of society for their “misery seeks company” pleasures? Doesn't it seem as if homosexuals and sociopaths are the happiest when they make others unhappy? All in the name of love and rainbows, of course.
Currently there are 3 million transgenders in the US (1.14% of the population). Like I said, it was an easy prediction to make. Just like I think it's really easy to predict that number will likely be around 6 million in 2030.
Sexuality is fluid, and people are sheeple.
If you haven't read the paper, check it out. Whether you agree or disagree, I think it's an interesting read.
Anyway, the transgender person I spoke with was aware of my theory. The last time I had seen him was around the time I wrote it, and I was reading a lot of books on sociopaths at that time. He and I weren't close, but he was close to someone I was close with. He disappeared for several years, and when he reemerged, he was a woman.
I have no interest in passing judgement on him, but rather the "how?" and "why?". I wanted to psychoanalyze him for the sake of understanding the mindset, as opposed to stereotyping or assuming.
The following is the Q&A we had. I'll refer to me as "M" and to the transgender as "T."
M - When did you start feeling like you were a woman?
T - Probably when I was a teenager, about the time I went through puberty.
M - Although I wasn't around you a lot, I remember you as a kid and you never gave off feminine vibes. You were athletic and what I perceived as masculine. Did you just hide it well?
T - Yes. I was pretty small for a man, so I always felt emasculated to some degree. I never felt like I measured up to "real men." After college I joined the military and no matter how hard I tried, I could never be as strong, fast, tall, big or whatever as the masculine men I was surrounded by. After years of feeling like less of a man, I began to realize that I was actually a woman trapped in man's body, and all those years I felt emasculated was because I wasn't masculine, I was feminine. Once I embraced that I wasn't really a man, and that being a man was just a social construct that society had pushed on me, I became liberated. All I had to do was match the outside with the inside.
M - Not all men are "macho" men. Do you think you imposed unrealistic expectations upon your masculinity, and ultimately failed expectations demoralized your spirit? Or do you think it was just as simple as you were actually a woman trapped in a man's body, as you stated?
T - I think I was born a woman with a penis. A man's masculinity is entirely associated with his penis. That's what makes a man a man, right? So, the essence of a man comes down to a biological protrusion of a few inches of flesh in the center of his body that is used for urination and procreation. Being a woman is a state of mind. It took a long time for me to realize that, but once I accepted that I really am a woman, my life has been amazing. When I was pretending to be a man, I was always depressed. I always felt inadequate. I constantly tried to measure up to other men and failed. Not because I'm a failure, but because I'm a woman. Women aren't men.
M - So you were only a man because society said you were a man, thus they actually misgendered you?
T - Exactly! Society didn't even know me, yet they labeled me, which applied expectations to my existence. That's not fair for anyone. It's like putting Fruit Loops in a Raisin Bran box. The outside doesn't match the inside. So when people see the box, they automatically just assume what's inside.
M - Do you think that society should eliminate gender assignment at birth?
T - Absolutely! 100%! I wasted 25 years of my life trying to be what society said I was.
M - How do you think society should address gender assignment?
T - They shouldn't. It's just like race or anything else, it's a social construct. When people realize who and what they are, then they claim that. Why put a timetable on it? Why put labels on people? People are more than a label. And before you ask, labels come with expectations. That's what's wrong with being labeled. Or more precisely, being mislabeled. There is nothing wrong with being labeled correctly, I suppose. But for those who get mislabeled, it sucks.
M - I know you've read my paper, do you feel like gender identity is a role that people play?
T - No. I'm a woman. I'm not pretending to be a woman, I really am a woman. Your paper is trash. I'm not a sociopath, I have empathy. Sociopaths are usually white men.
M- Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. I'm curious, are you homosexual?
T - No, I only date men.
M - Finally, how do you feel about my theory that homosexuality and transgenderism is a state-sponsored eugenics psyop program? When you eliminate morality from the argument, you're left with sterility.
T - That doesn't even make any sense. I could have kids if I wanted to, but why would I want to bring children into this messed up world? Humans are destroying the planet anyway. White supremacists have colonialized the planet and harnessed all the resources for profits and power, all off the backs of black people. That's why it's so important for people like you to understand that black lives matter!
M- Thanks for allowing me to ask you questions.
I think this is a rather interesting look into the mindset of a transgender person.
I actually agree with some of the stuff, from a causative sense. I do think that men who don't measure up to what they deem as "masculine" can be grinded down over the years if they feel inadequate. And I also agree that failed expectations are demoralizing.
The causation from the female -> male is the same. You have women who aren't pretty enough, or whatever inadequacy they feel, and just reject that role and become the antagonist.
As I did in my thesis, I'll pose the question again: If the transgender box hadn't been socially engineered, would there be transgenders?
The absurdist Camus had some dark "philosophical" quotes on the concept:
“The literal meaning of life is whatever you're doing that prevents you from killing yourself.”
“There is only one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide.”
I've always found the correlation that some "philosophers" make between free will and suicide to be quite odd.
It's interesting that a hand full of men throughout time have had their ideas immortalized by achieving the status of "philosopher." I can't help but wonder how many people have committed suicide because some "philosopher" convinced them that the only way you can truly have free will is to kill yourself. Why is that never discussed? I wonder what the figures would be for "suicide by philosophy"?
Philosophy is just the opinions of intelligent men. It's completely abstract. Yet, our innate desire for meaning in an existence that seems meaningless steers us to philosophy (the opinions of other people; notice I didn't say the "thoughts" of other people, rather the opinions. Original thought doesn't exist, according to my philosophy.).
Camus also said:
“You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
So, let me edit my definition of philosophy: Philosophy is the opinions of intelligent men on the meaning of life.
Thus, if one will never live while searching for the meaning of life, yet they are a "philosopher," is that not a conundrum of sorts? How can one spend their time living and philosophizing simultaneously?
Furthermore, there have been billions of philosophers throughout humanity, yet you are pretty well read if you can name 10. Why has Camus' dark philosophy recognized by millions, and mine known by none? Is it because I'm not smart enough to peel back the onion of absurdity to "suicide is philosophy"?
Never once have I correlated meaning with death.
If you want to understand the status quo of a society, read their celebrated philosophers.
There is no meaning of life, other than to glorify God for your life. Enjoy as much of it as you can, while you have a life to live. Don't think about the end, it will get here soon enough.
All knowledge comes from experience. If you want to know life, you have to experience it.
I prefer Kierkegaard's existential opinions over the absurdity of Camus:
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”
Meta on Friday told employees that its plans to end a number of internal programs designed to increase the company’s hiring of diverse candidates, the latest dramatic change ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s second White House term.
Janelle Gale, Meta’s vice president of people, made the announcement on the company’s Workplace internal communications forum.
Among the changes, Meta is ending the company’s “Diverse Slate Approach” of considering qualified candidates from underrepresented groups for its open roles. The company is also putting an end to its diversity supplier program and its equity and inclusion training programs.
Gale also announced the disbanding of the company’s diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, team, and she said that Meta Chief Diversity Officer Maxine Williams will move into a new role focused on accessibility and engagement.
Several Meta employees responded to Gale’s post with comments criticizing the new policy.
“If you don’t stand by your principles when things get difficult, they aren’t values. They’re hobbies,” one employee posted in a comment that got reaction from more than 600 colleagues.
Look, the only "value" DEI has every represented is the "value" of systemic anti-White discrimination. It's affirmative action by another name.
America isn't an idea, but if it was to be conceptualized abstractly, it would be correlated with exceptionalism, not "gibs." A tangible representation of America always comes down to money (many will say "freedom," but freedom within the status quo is an idea).
While anti-Whites will place their "values" over profits, at some point they have to deal with the cognitive dissonance that results from being anti-racist and anti-White simultaneously.
Most people aren't true believers (at least not the elites; elitism is centered around conformity), they're status clingers. So they just move with the social pendulum of popular opinion, and currently "free speech" is a higher virtue than being anti-White (anti-White propaganda has already been instituted).
One of my 3 predictions for 2025 was that we would see a decline in anti-White/DEI type stuff:
Prediction #2: Antisemitism will continue to rise within progressive circles, due mostly to the conflict going on in Israel. We live in an age of mass information, and ideas spread quickly. Jewish power and influence will become mainstream discussion, and it will be interesting to see how TPTB deal with it on a censorship level. Revolutionary types tend to be Leftists, and they are always looking towards those they deem as oppressors to direct their disdain and swing the pendulum of power. Consequently, we will simultaneously witness a decline in anti-White rhetoric and attitudes, as that energy will be transferred mostly to Jews. As is the case with Whites, the most influential antisemites will be Jews.
Honestly, I don't think Zuck cares at all about anything other than himself. I know that's a pretty harsh thing to say about someone I've never met, but FB was a catalyst for the genesis of censorship on the internet. I think Zuck sees the popularity of Musk, and is riding that wave.
I think the role of censorship was to nip explicit White identity in the bud, because of the paradigm shift we were seeing in 2016. Pro-White speech hasn't been allowed on the internet since.
Occasionally, I'll see a post on social media where a Black guy does some heinous act of violence against a White, and you just don't see the comments that you know many people are thinking, and that would have been posted 10 years ago.
Therefore, I think TPTB have probably ran some social algorithms and determined that after a certain period of time, people just conform. So, it's not that these people are "free speech," per se. It's a combination of "Whitey has been punished and rehabilitated," combined with virtue signaling that they're anti-censorship to win peer approval.
There is only 4 things that motivate human behavior: power, autonomy, sex and peer approval.
After reading several reviews about how great the Penguin series is, I decided to give it a watch. I'm not going to say it was a complete waste of time, as TV that I deem "a complete waste of time," I don't waste my time on. So, it's entertaining enough to watch, but far from being "great," or even "good," in my book.
There is definitely some good acting. Colin Farrell does a great job as the Penguin, as does the actress who plays Sofia (Cristin Milioti). But the show itself is an average at best crime drama.
If you're a person who can't stand it when you can tell what is going to happen (as I am), then you're prob not going to care much for it. The plot is very predictable, from start to finish. Again, the acting and theatrics is good enough to carry the show, but the plot itself is very average.
My rating is 5 out of 10. Like I said, average.
If you have Max and are looking for something to watch that I would consider "great," watch the Wire. You're welcome.
15 “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. 7 But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! 8 When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.
9 “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. 10 When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. 11 I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! 12 This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. 16 You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. 17 This is my command: Love each other.
The World’s Hatred
18 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. 19 The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. 20 Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. 21 They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the one who sent me. 22 They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Anyone who hates me also hates my Father. 24 If I hadn’t done such miraculous signs among them that no one else could do, they would not be guilty. But as it is, they have seen everything I did, yet they still hate me and my Father. 25 This fulfills what is written in their Scriptures: ‘They hated me without cause.’
26 “But I will send you the Advocate —the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me. 27 And you must also testify about me because you have been with me from the beginning of my ministry.
One of my favorite chapters in the bible, and just so happened to be my scripture reading for the day.
I've often said that God works via "evolution" (i.e. eugenics, etc) to prune his vine.
In modernity, seeds that were to have never sprouted now often bare fruit.
God intervenes in ways we might not even imagine. I believe that homosexuality is one of these ways. That isn't to say that God encourages homosexuality, but rather the opposite. God declared grace on his elect before the world was created (Ephesians 1:3-5).
Secularly speaking, I also believe that the state encourages homosexuality as a form of population control, since we no longer have massive wars and famine. The system doesn't need armies, so the system adapts. Systems operate on a need-basis, God operates on the sovereignty of grace.
Coincidences only occur in a state of chaos. The state represents power, not chance. "The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it," but instead it hates you. Satan is called "the prince of the world," because the world is what he wants to control. If you aren't of the world, the world hates you.
I'm famous for my accurate predictions. Some have even referred to me as Nostradamus Jr, but I wouldn't go that far. I'm just good at recognizing patterns, which is why I'm so good at chess.
Every year I like to make three bold predictions, and I can't remember the last time I was wrong about one.
So, without further ado:
Prediction #1: I want to combine some pretty easy predictions into one: the Russia/Ukraine conflict will be resolved for the most part. The economy will remain strong, with bitcoin and the stock market both hitting record highs. AI will continue to be the talk of technology.
Prediction #2: Antisemitism will continue to rise within progressive circles, due mostly to the conflict going on in Israel. We live in an age of mass information, and ideas spread quickly. Jewish power and influence will become mainstream discussion, and it will be interesting to see how TPTB deal with it on a censorship level. Revolutionary types tend to be Leftists, and they are always looking towards those they deem as oppressors to direct their disdain and swing the pendulum of power. Consequently, we will simultaneously witness a decline in anti-White rhetoric and attitudes, as that energy will be transferred mostly to Jews. As is the case with Whites, the most influential antisemites will be Jews.
Prediction #3: The biggest country music song of 2025 will be by a gangsta rapper.
Bonus: Conor McGregor will fight and get knocked out, resulting in his retirement.
President Joe Biden on Monday announced that he is commuting the sentences of 37 of the 40 people on federal death row, converting their punishments to life imprisonment just weeks before President-elect Donald Trump, an outspoken proponent of expanding capital punishment, takes office.
The move spares the lives of people convicted in killings, including the slayings of police and military officers, people on federal land and those involved in deadly bank robberies or drug deals, as well as the killings of guards or prisoners in federal facilities.
The decision leaves three federal inmates to face execution. They are Dylann Roof, who carried out the 2015 racist slayings of nine Black members of Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina; 2013 Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev; and Robert Bowers, who fatally shot 11 congregants at Pittsburgh’s Tree of life Synagogue in 2018, the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S history.
“I’ve dedicated my career to reducing violent crime and ensuring a fair and effective justice system,” Biden said in a statement. “Today, I am commuting the sentences of 37 of the 40 individuals on federal death row to life sentences without the possibility of parole. These commutations are consistent with the moratorium my administration has imposed on federal executions, in cases other than terrorism and hate-motivated mass murder.”
Are one's views supportive of capital punishment, or not?
I've often referred to liberalism as a snake that eats its own tail. Biden's recent announcement (let's be honest, this probably wasn't his idea) that he is commuting the sentences of 37 out of 40 is a perfect example of this. Either you're pro-death penalty, or you're not.
If one's position is "I'm against the death penalty, except when ..." then they are still pro-death penalty.
The primary consistency in liberal thought is that liberal thought is consistently inconsistent. This phenomenon can be observed over-and-over again in their social "isms."
The commutation of the afore mentioned death penalty cases doesn't shine a compassionate light on liberal virtue, rather it shows that lack of compassion and respect for justice concerning the victims of those who had their cases commuted. It marginalizes the crimes committed against those victims, as if to say, "it really wasn't that bad." It also show irrationality with regards to hypocrisy.
Liberals need to learn to take a hard position and stand on it. If you want to use your position of power to show that you are an opponent of the death penalty and are going to do all you can to abolish it, then do it by commuting all the sentences to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
I think a valid argument can be made regarding abolishing the death penalty. Primarily that the state itself becomes a hypocrite for murdering someone for murder. And, just simply put, that we as a civilized society are just better than that. But it's kinda hard to call out the opposition's hypocrisy with your own.
Anti-death penalty with an asterisk just means pro-death penalty.
Of note: This isn't to say that I think the 3 remaining men deserve to have their sentences commuted, nor that I support the 37 commutations. My critique is ideological, not personal.
I grew up an athlete, and loved playing and watching sports. As I grew up, I realized how corny it was to cheer on a bunch of grown men running with a ball. I think high school sports are fine, as these are youngsters within your community. Perhaps even your offspring, or your neighbors. These are effectively, "your people."
Wearing another man's jersey cause he can run fast with a ball is the epitome of a cuck. I'm not trying to be rude, or make you feel bad about yourself if you wear jerseys, but if you're capable of logical reasoning (and I know if you're reading this, you're above average intelligence), you know it's weird.
Nonetheless, even if you don't think it's weird to wear another man's jersey, then certainly you can relate to the consumerism that has consumed professional sports. I even heard you can't hit the quarterback anymore. And NBA players don't even play defense. But, that's just what I heard, I haven't watched football or basketball since the 90s.
What I do like to watch, is MMA. I used to like boxing, but it's just completely rigged now. So, it kinda sucks. Boxing in the 80s and 90s was legit. And you could actually root for a guy you could relate too. Guys like Kelly Pavlik, Micky Ward and Tommy Morrison were a few of my favorites.
There were some absolute wars in the ring back in the day. Below are a few awesome fights, that if you've never seen, you should definitely check out:
Those were some real wars, by real men. Not saying football players aren't real men, don't get me wrong. I'm sure some are. And the Hernandez documentary on Hulu was pretty good. What a troubled guy.
Nowadays, the only sports I watch is golf and MMA.
One of my favorite fighters in the UFC is/was Colby Covington. I like his spill. I like that he is blue collar. I like how he made a name for himself when nobody cared about him. And I like that he is a patriot.
That's another thing about MMA, these men are masculine. They don't cater to political correctness, or go out wearing BLM and rainbows because the company wants to virtue signal or whatever.
I was pretty excited about the UFC's last event of 2024. Covington was in the main event, fighting a guy who I don't care much for. But I couldn't help but think it wasn't going to end well when I saw the walkout. Covington came walking out with a limping Hulk Hogan who was carrying an American flag. It seemed so symbolic of America in general. A past his prime fighter being led out by a retired fighter (Chael Sonnen) and an old, limping Hulk Hogan struggling to walk while carrying an American flag, while Hulk's walkout song from the 80s was playing (I think that was his song, I'll post the walkout vid at the end.). The optics were terrible, yet symbolic. The older White guy, who is a proud patriot, got his ass whooped by the young Buck (black fighter named Buckley AKA Buck).
There were so many parallels with that fight and the status quo of America. The fight pretty much sucked, not just because my guy lost, it just wasn't an exciting fight. Covington got cut early from a headbutt or something, and the female doctor stopped the fight in round 3. No excuses though, Covington looked old and was going to lose the fight by decision most likely.
Oh, and one of the things MMA has caved into is female fighting. Dana White may not make his employees wear rainbows or BLM patches on their shorts, but he always puts a lousy female fight on the main card. It's probably just a matter of time before he caves in and makes his employees wear rainbow patches on their gloves or something to show support for gay people, even if they aren't gay or don't approve of that kind of thing. And look, if that's what you are, do you. I'm not hating or anything. Personally, I feel like homosexuality is an evolutionary buffer, but that's just me.
As far as the cultural promotion of it, I'm pretty sure it's just a state-sponsored eugenics psyop program with a depopulation agenda.
I started this blog way back in 2014. Man, how time flies.
I have big plans for 2025, and one of those is to post some good content here on a regular basis. I hope you bookmark the page and stop by frequently (and don't hesitate to comment/share).
It's been a long time since I've done any social media. I guess my OG twitter account was banned or something. Who knows why, I never even used it, and when I did nobody cared what I had to say. Plus, I never broke any rules or anything. Maybe I got the boot for being so inactive. That was probably it. Nonetheless, I'm there under @hewittemoore if you want to say "what's up."
Anyway, thanks for stopping by ("by" in the nontensical form of the word, meaning now/before/future). Think of it as a modern word that strips away it's confining social construct to mean whatever it wants it to mean in a liberating sense.
That's essentially where the modern world is heading; complete deconstruction of reality in the name of progress. But, that's demoralizing, and this site is about positivity. Thus, let me share a few of my favorite posts over the last 10+ years that might persuade you to bookmark the blog.
Probably my favorite practical post was from March 19, 2015 titled Is $518 a Fair Price for Bitcoin?, in which I advocated that bitcoin was actually worth $518.59 after the Mount Gox crash (at that time it was $259.46). So if you were reading way back then and bought some BTC based on that post, don't hesitate to show some love (my BTC address is in the sidebar, incase you didn't notice).
One of my more controversial writings (which was actually removed from the site it was originally published on by TPTB), is a post titled The Trans/Sociopath Overlap. In this article I presented a theory that there is a large overlap between sociopathy and transgenderism. While some would argue that it's conjecture, I think the points I make are valid. Check it out.
My most popular post (it has been read by millions of people and published on several sites) is titled Depopulation for Dummies. I would consider it my opus. It's a good one. I encourage you to give it a read.
The blog is pretty versatile. I wrote extensively about Covid during the pandemic year. I post a lot about Christianity. Finance. Post videos I find interesting on days I don't want to write. Occasional satire. Philosophy. As well as I use the blog to mirror any pieces that I've had published on other sites.
Tbh, the Brave AI does a good job of summarizing the site:
Hewitt E. Moore is a blogger who writes about various topics on his blog “My Cousin the Carp.” His content often delves into spiritual and philosophical discussions, including critiques of modern right-wing thought and observations on societal issues. He also touches on subjects like the influence of literature and the impact of nihilism on society, particularly referencing the rising rates of drug overdose and suicide among certain demographics.