Monday, August 8, 2022

Planetary Saviorism is the God-Complex of White Supremacy 

Professor Camilo Mora feels the impacts of climate change in his knees. 

During a 2014 visit to his native Colombia, heavy rains caused the worst flooding his hometown had seen in decades and boosted the mosquito population. A mosquito bit Mora, transferring the chikungunya virus and making him a patient during an unprecedented outbreak in the region. 

His joints ache still today. He blames a warming world. 

In a study published Monday, Mora and his colleagues at the University of Hawaii canvassed tens of thousands of studies to analyze the global impacts of climate change on infectious diseases that affect humans. They determined that nearly 220 infectious diseases — 58% of the total studied — had become bigger threats because of climate hazards.  

“Systems have been evolving for millions of years and now humans have come along and changed things,” Mora said. “We are punching nature, but nature is punching us back.” 

“It’s only in the recent past of infectious disease research that we really focus in on climate change as a driver of infectious disease,” said Jessica Leibler, an environmental epidemiologist at the Boston University School of Public Health who wasn't involved in the research.

Fifty-eight percent “seems like a really high number,” she said, “but it reflects the reality that infectious diseases are driven by what’s going on in our environment.”

The research is not without limitations. Scientists often have a hard time quantifying how much climate change is contributing to disease outbreaks, since it’s an indirect process. 

Climate hazards also diminished some impacts of infectious disease. For 16% of diseases, these hazards reduced the ailments’ impact or produced mixed results.

Planetary Saviorism is a by-product of white supremacy.

After white people went into Africa and gave Africans injections and clean water to drink, the natural progression was saving the planet.

White supremacy in action just means making everyone act white. So while Africans were evolved to live in the jungles and act like primitive people, white supremacists wanted to bypass evolution and teach black people how to be white. So they inject them with serums, give them shoes and teach them how to drink water that animals don't shit in.

The odd thing about white supremacy is that white supremacists always denounce racism and/or white supremacy. They think teaching black people how to be white is actually saving them from being black. I know it sounds weird, but they're incapable of objective reasoning, so they do weird stuff. Like getting sick from a mosquito bite and blaming black people for throwing garbage into the ocean. Btw, there wouldn't be any plastic in the ocean if it weren't for white supremacy, either.

So now that all of the black people have been saved, the next evolution of white supremacy is planetary saviorism (i.e., saving the planet). So they manufacture a crisis (like they did with skinny black people in Africa), and declare themselves the saviors of world. 

They theorize that humanity is making the temperature hotter. Even though the weather has fluctuated since the beginning of time. They assume this fluctuation is from various forms of pollution. They make weird claims that nobody believes. Ultimately they are depopulationists

The odd thing about it is that the only people concerned with the climate are white people (specifically, single white women). Yet, white people only make up about 10% of the earth's population. So if you were to calculate the effect on the climate demographically, you would find that white people have the least impact on the climate per capita. In other words, the innovations of white people that have been implemented in the black and brown world are much more problematic in terms of pollution than they are in white countries. 

So the strategy of the planetary saviorists is to tell a small group of people who produce a very small percentage of pollution to eat bugs and walk everywhere, while ignoring the 90% that produce the majority of pollution, because that would be racist. 

If planetary saviorists were successful in their manufactured crises, that would mean that 10% of the population quits producing pollution. Even though there isn't any way to prove that pollution is actually increasing the temperature of the earth. 

See how silly this is?

If planetary saviorists were serious about their mission they would quit forcing white supremacy (democracy, capitalism, Science!, plastic, consumerism, etc) down the throats of non-white people. That would eliminate about 80% of the world's pollution.  

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