Saturday, September 11, 2021

Entire Police Force Quits. Who is Going to Police America?

An entire Missouri police department, including the police chief and his officers, resigned leaving the city of Kimberling without immediate authority.

Citing problems like an inadequate pay rate and not having the right tools to do the job, the department has local leaders struggling to find replacements, especially when rhetoric against law enforcement is high amongst some, Fox News reported.

"It will be a struggle to fill the police department back up with qualified officers, but hopefully they can start working on that soon and get that accomplished," Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader said of the resignations at the Kimberling City Police Department, noting that most police stations are understaffed. 

Amid protests in 2020, police officers were pressured to resign, to be held accountable for their actions including murder, and face defunding from opponents who advocate for the funding to go to other initiatives.

About 2,600 officers from New York retired in 2020, according to The New York Times, compared to the  1,509 who retired the year prior.

Portland, Ore. had 69 officers resign and 75 retire from April 2020 to April 2021, compared to 27 and 14 the previous year, respectively. 

In Seattle, resignations went from 34 to 123 and retirements went up 43 to 96. 

Isn't it kinda weird how certain "conspiracy theories" quietly became reality? You know, like BLM-antifa burning down cities peacefully protesting in honor of Felony Floyd, essentially extorting Americans with the option of "defund the police/don't reelect Trump or we will burn your cities to the ground perpetually peacefully protest."

Or, like when COVID first came on the scene and literally everyone said, "Watch, they're gonna shut everything down and steal the election with mail-in ballots."

Whatever happened to BLM-antifa, anyway? Where did they go? Did blacks quit breaking the law cops quit killing black criminals for having black skin?

Furthermore, why are all these cops quitting/retiring in these liberal utopias? Is it because liberalism solved the problem of crime by eliminating law enforcement, thus eliminating the law via eliminating the enforcement? That's an interesting concept: liberal utopianism solves the problem of blacks breaking the law by eliminating the enforcers of the law. And therefore, if nobody is able to report a crime, no crime was committed. Then POOF! Not only the color of crime is solved, but crime itself is solved.

These liberals really are smart. They've essentially made the concept of crime into a philosophical question of sorts: if crime isn't enforceable, does crime exist?

However, the problem with this ingenuity, is these liberal utopianists aren't going to like it much when Tyrone gets angry, or decides he wants what doesn't belong to him (Yea, yea, I know. In liberal utopias there's no such thing as personal property. What Tyrone wants, Tyrone takes. I get it.). But when Tyrone gets hormonal and decides he wants to take more than Nikes or your car, liberals might go running to civilized, white towns racist areas where Tyrone gets put in jail when he commits a crime. Then the cycle of liberalism (a snake eating it's tail) starts all over again.

Note: The following is a comment from a long time reader who asked to remain anonymous:

Dear Liberal Utopianists,

Congratulations on solving the problem of crime in your cities. Considering America hasn't been able to solve the black crime problem, it's truly a miraculous achievement. Again, kudos. But, PLEASE! don't relocate to any racist cities and import your utopian values with you if you get tired of sharing everything (EVERYTHING!) with your black comrades. We don't share the same values and we don't need your help. Remember, these white towns with laws are racist. You would hate it here. Because we are just fine with racist things like law & order, good schools and safe neighborhoods. Yea, we run into the occasional dickhead cop, but all-in-all it's worth it. So again, enjoy your anarcho-marxist paradise. And don't forget, no matter how bad things get, it's still better than living around racists. 

Regards, Anonymous Racist 


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