Monday, September 13, 2021

What Happened to BLM and the Flu?

The actual footage starts at 3:30. You should watch it. It's pretty intense. 

What happened to BLM-antifa? They're kinda like the flu, they've just disappeared. 

Convenience or coincidence? 

I'll go with a little of both on this one and predict they'll coincidentally reappear at a convenient time. 

Imagine being part of a hate group that is sidelined for months waiting for that needle in the haystack to magically appear so you can promote your hateful anti-white agenda. 

How does BLM-antifa theory make sense logically? 

To the best of my knowledge, BLM theory is the concept that racist white cops kill innocent black men because they  hate the color of black skin. And due to inherent racist genes in white people (nature), which are reinforced systemically by white supremacy (nurture), there is a blind spot that creates apathy. 

But what's the theory behind criminals with black skin who ambush white cops with automatic weapons for no reason? Is that because the stress of racism made them open fire on police? Was the guy just like, "My skin is black and I got warrants, I better just kill everyone. And if I get caught I'll just say the cop called me the N-word and BLM will save me."? 

And how can BLM-antifa be taken serious if they don't publicly acknowledge these extreme acts of violence from a racial perspective? Because, remember, BLM's theoretical narrative is that all interactions between cops and blacks are rooted in racial animosity. 

One can't watch the above video without scratching their head. How do people in a civilized society exhibit such barbaric behavior? And why do the people who commit these kind of violent acts almost always have black skin? 

The system (media, politicians, etc) never asks those questions. But why? Why is it so taboo to ask, "Why do black people act like this?" Instead they just keep showing you commercials with friendly-looking black men in relationships with white women, or they delete your social media accounts when you cite FBI crime data demographics after watching videos like the one above.  

Even if you were to get someone to attempt to answer your question, the response would certainly be a rhetorical gotcha: "Yea, but why are white people so racist, racist?" 

The establishment says, "diversity is our strength!" and the masses nod along in agreement. But, nobody ever seems to think about it rationally. 

Imagine a debate titled: "Is diversity really our strength?" Then imagine if it was a political debate, and every politician had 5 minutes to make their case. Now imagine a real debate where debaters on both sides were acting in good faith in an attempt to determine the actual truth. 

Unfortunately, we don't need to imagine a world where the truth is censored. 



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