Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Great Resignation: Thanks for all You've Done, Boomers

Older Americans are ready to opt out of the workforce altogether even if it means a more modest retirement, a new survey found.

“The buzzword is the great resignation,” Peter Hershon, senior vice president of account services at Coventry Direct, told Yahoo Money. “We are seeing more and more seniors, whether by choice or due to unforeseen circumstances, leaving the workforce, sometimes at a younger age than they originally anticipated, and just wanting to be done.”

Almost 4 in 5 Boomers reported they would rather retire at age 65 and live out their years in modesty than work until age 75 and live large, according to an online survey of 1,512 Americans conducted in August from Coventry Direct. 

And they aren't interested in a second act or encore career in retirement either — even if it's in a passion project or gig. Fifty-five percent of respondents said they weren’t considering a career post-retirement.

Peak-USA was the 50's and early 60's, which coincidentally produced the Boomer's great Idea

The Boomer generation will go down in the history books as the generation that destroyed America.

America was just an Idea (or accumulation of ideas) to them. Ya know, the "we all bleed red", "diversity is our strength", "our greatest ally" jibberish 

Boomers believe that everyone is the exact same, and if you want to work hard then you can be an American, too. So, in 1965, that was put into law with the Immigration Act and Nationality Act. That Act was the truth serum that would determine if America was an Idea, or more than that (people, culture, etc). We know the answer to that question now.  

In 1965, America was almost 90% American. Fast forward 55 years and Americans are roughly 55% of the population. The result is what you would expect: rabid anti-American sentiment by non-Americans (and feminist Americans). 

The boomer generation also ushered in no fault divorce. Because a woman's happiness was tied to her sexual liberation. If a woman couldn't go have sex with whoever, whenever she wanted, then she was oppressed by the patriarchy. Therefore, feminism created a generation of latch-key kids who raised themselves (and unwanted pregnancies, but feminism gives women the right to murder their children).

Think of Boomers as the shitlibs who destroyed California, sold their overpriced houses, and moved east to a town near you. Their ideas didn't change, their address did.

Boomers are cashing out of the dystopian shithole wonderful Idea they've created to live the rest of their lives enjoying the finer things, while the rest of us try to survive their Idea.

Thanks, Boomers!

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